Specifications And Limitations Flashcards
Aircraft Length
46’ 8”
Aircraft Wingspan
57’ 11”
Aircraft Height
14’ 4”
Max Occupancy
17 including crew
Engine Type and SHP
PT6A-60A 1050 SHP
Max Ramp Weight
15,100 lbs
Max Takeoff Weight
15,000 lbs
Max Landing Weight
15,000 lbs
12,500 lbs
Max Weight in Baggage Area
510 lbs with folding seats
550 lbs without folding seats
Vxse and Vyse
125 KIAS
94 KIAS flaps UP
93 KIAS flaps Approach
Emergency Descent Speed
184 KIAS
Best Glide Speed
135 KIAS
184 KIAS
Vfe Approach
202 KIAS
Vfe Full
158 KIAS
184 KIAS
Vlo Extension
184 KIAS
Vlo Retraction
166 KIAS
263 KIAS, .58 mach
Max Demonstrated Crosswind
125 KIAS
140 KIAS
Turbulent Air Penetration Speed
170 KIAS
110 KIAS
Turning Radius
41’ 7”
Hydraulic Fluid Type
24 volt 34 or 36 amp NiCad
Main Tires
10 ply 80-92 psi
Nose Tire
8 ply 55-60 psi
81 IAS
96 IAS
Max Starting ITT
1000 C for 5 seconds
Max Idle ITT
750 C
Max Takeoff ITT
820 C
Max Continuous ITT
820 C
Max Cruise Climb ITT
785 C
Max Cruise ITT
820 C
Max Reverse ITT
760 C
Max Transient ITT
850 C for 20 sec
Transient Torque Limit
156% for 20 seconds
Min N1 at IDLE
Max N1
Prop RPM at IDLE
1050 rpm
Max Prop RPM
1700 rpm, excursions up to 1735 rpm are acceptable for 7 min
Max Reverse RPM
1650 rpm
Max Transient Prop RPM
1870 rpm
Overspeed Governor RPM
1768 rpm
Overspeed Governor RPM
1768 rpm
Overspeed Governor RPM
1768 rpm
Max Starting Oil Press
200 psi
Min oil pressure at IDLE
60 psi
Normal Oil Pressure Range
90-135 psi
Transient Oil Pressure
200 psi
Min Oil TEMP for starting
-40 C
Min recommended oil temp for takeoff
55 C
Normal oil temp range
0-110 C…temps between 99-110 C are limited to 10 min
External power limits
28.0-28.4 volts
1000 amps momentarily, 300 amps continuous
Generator Limits
SL - 34,000 feet = 100% load
Above 34,000 feet = 95%
Max Generator Load 62-70% N1
Max Generator Load 70-100% N1
Starter limits
30 seconds ON, 5 min OFF, 30 seconds ON, 5 min off, 30 seconds ON, 30 min OFF
Limitations using aviation gasoline
150 hours
Prohibited if either standby fuel pump is inop
Crossfeed capability is required above 20,000 feet
Usable Fuel (without saddle tanks)
3611 pounds total
1273 pounds in each main
533 pounds in each aux tank
Max fuel imbalance
300 pounds
Fuel gages in yellow arc
Do not take off if less than 265 pounds in each wing system
Aux tank fueling
Do not put any fuel in the aux tanks unless the mains are full
Prop manufacturer & diameter
Hartzell, 105”
Prop overspeed limits
Flight may be continued with an overspeed up to 1768 rpm as long as torque is limited to 96%
Max cabin pressure differential
0 - 6.6 psi
Pneumatic pressure gage range
12 - 20 psi, redline is 20 psi
Prop de-ice ammeter range
26 - 32 amps
Flight Load Limits
Flaps UP = +3.1, -1.24 g
Flaps DOWN = +2.0. -0.0 g
Max Operating Altitude
35,000 feet
Max Operating Altitude with YD inop
Above 5,000 feet without strakes
Above 19,000 feet with Raisbeck STC SA5151NM