Specific Transactions Events and Disclosures Flashcards
What is ARO? How is it measured and recognized?
Hint: Asset Retirement
ARO = Asset Retirement Obligation
Measured = Fair Value (amount would pay today to cover future costs)
Initial Recognition = DR Asset CR ARO account
Subsequent Recognition = DR accretion expense CR ARO (The asset is depleted or depreciated as normal at the same time i.e. DR. depretion exp CR. Asset)
ARO Asset Retirement Obligation is a _______ account?
ARO is a Liability
How is a change in ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLE applied?
Example: Inventory accounting change Fifo to Lifo
Accounting Principle Change is
RETROspectivly applied
Prior period adjusted
Beginning balance of RE
How is a change in ENTITY applied?
Ex: 2 companies merg
Change in Entity
consolidate financial statements
RETROspectivly applied
How is a change in ACCOUNTING ESTIMATE applied?
Example: Change in depreciation method
PROSPECTIVE application
going forward only
DO NOT confuse this with accounting principle change
Change in depreciation method is what type of accounting change? How is the change applied?
Depreciation method change is an ACCOUNTING ESTIMATE change. It is applied GOING FORWARD.
Change in Inventory Accounting method is what type of accounting change? How is the change applied?
Inventory method change is an ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLE change. It is applied RETROspectivly. Prior period adjustment, beginning Retained Earning balance adjusted.