Specific to Sum of Experience Flashcards
What is the purpose of the red book?
To ensure consistency in the valuation process worldwide
It essentially states that to carry out a Red Book valuation - you must be competent, agree terms of engagement, inspect/measure and carry out appropriate investigations, analyse everything and produce your report
Must agree terms of engagement before issuing the report
Please name some Valuation Technical and Performance Standards within the Red Book?
- Terms of Engagement (Scope of work)
- Inspections, investigations and records
- Valuation Reports
- Basis of Value, assumptions and Special Assumptions
- Valuation approaches and methods
Please name some Valuation Practice Guidance Applications within the red book?
- Valuation for inclusion in financial statements
- Valuation Interests for secured lending
- Valuation of Businesses and Business Interests
- Valuation of Individual trade related properties
- Valuation of Plant and Equipment
- Valuation of Intangible Assets
- Valuation of personal property, including art and antiquities
What should be included in the Terms of Engagement for a valuation?
Valuer - name
Client - name
Property - address
Purpose of valuation
Basis of value
Valuation date
Nature and extent of the valuer’s work - including investigations - and any limitations thereof
Assumptions/special assumptions
The Fee
What are the different basis of value?
Market value
Market rent
Investment value
Fair value
What are the five conventional methods of valuation?
contractors method (DRC)
How did you conduct a conflict of interest check?
Check work files to see if you have worked for the other party in the past
Send email around office
How did you measure the office in Richmond for your valuation?
What online data basis did you use to collect your recent investment and lettings data?
How did you weigh and rank the comparable?
Hierarchy of Evidence
What is the Hierarchy of Evidence?
Ranking evidence by transaction type
Most weight should be attached to:
open market lettings
lease renewals
Rent review
Independent expert determination
Arbitrator award
Whats included in a valuation report?
Conflict of Interest Check (not required for me becuase I already established this - for internal purposes)
Agreed Terms of Engagement
Inspection notes - photos, floor plans, planning permission etc.
Comparable evidence
Valuation calculations
Copy of valuation report
Where did you do a residual valuation?
Kent (Halfords)
How did you arrive at the market rent?
Capitalised the market rent at the all risks yield
What is the all risks yield?
Buildings physical characteristics
Tenants covenant strength
Market rent to see if property is under or over rented (EG 7% market yield, would increase if over rented or decrease if under rented)
Other lease terms - likely to be some uncertainty in net rent (EG unexpired lease term)
Anticipated rental growth (links to location)