Specific Persuasive Techniques Flashcards
Ad hominem P
Latin for “against the man,” the ad hominem technique responds to an argument by attacking me about it instead of addressing the argument itself. It is also called “attacking the messenger”. It works on the belief that if there something wrong or objectionable about the messenger, the messenge must also be wrong.
Analogy L
An analogy comparison situation with another. A good analogy, where the situations are reasonably similar, can aid in decision-making.
Analogy L
The comparison of one situation to another.
A persuasive technique where a product or service is linked with something desired by the audience
Every one is doing it. Jump on
Beautiful people
Good looking people attract our eye
Card stacking E
Provides false context to give a misleading interpretation
Famous people give testimonies
Give information that common people don’t normally know
Explicit claims L
Something clearly expressed or demonstrated
Extrapolation P
Big conclusions based on minimal amounts of facts
Fear P
Uses something feared or disliked and promotes a solution
Glittering generalization E
“Virtue words” like civilization, democracy, freedom, patriotism, etc. in hopes that the deep facts won’t be examined.
Humor L
Funny phrases or things that are hoped to be associated with a brand.
Intensity L
Hyping a product up by making it seem like the best thing on the market