Specific Cancers Flashcards
Benign histiocytic diseases
- Histiocytoma - solitary
Langerhaan cell origin - Cutaneous Langerhaans Histiocytosis: multiple cutaneous lesions, some have internal organ involvement. Tends to affect younger dogs with waxing/waning lesions
- Systemic histiocytosis: visceral organ involvement may be immune dysregulation. Seen in BMD
- Feline progressive histiocytosis. dendritic cell origin, multiple dermal masses that wax and wane and eventual spread internally
Histiocytic sarcoma and haemophagocytic HS differences.
CADET - diagnostic test use
HS - dendritic cell origin. May be localised (periarticular) or disseminated
HHS - macrophage origin
HHS more likely to have low albumin and cholesterol
CADET - histiocytic malignancy assay that determines mutation copy number to aid in diagnosis of HS in poorly differentiated samples
Current literature on Histiocytic sarcoma Tx
JAVMA - ORR to doxo sole therapy was 26%. Improved survival in localised disease
JVIM - patients with localised splenic disease treated with Sx and CCNU had MST >1y. Similar results in localised lung disease in VCO 2018.
AVJ - HHS treated with CCNU had no/minimal response and poor survival
STS Grading criteria
Differentiation of cells
Mitotic index (<9 =1; <19 = 2; >20 = 3)
Degree of necrosis: none, <50%; >50%
Reported metastatic disease in STS by grade
1 - 0-13% (6% JAVMA 2021 at diagnosis)
2. 7-27% (6%)
3. 22-44% (38%)
STS Tx in high grade disease recent information
Sx has <5% recurrence if complete.
Incomplete excision have 11-75% recurrence reported
JAVMA 2020 - Adjunctive radiation improved MST from 1031d to 2270d for incompletely excised high grade
- Adjunctive chemo combined with Sx/RT treatment did not have survival benefit
FISS - Prevention controversy
No definitve proof that vaccination induces FISS but a lot of circumstantial evidence
- increased incidence after adjuvanted vaccine introduction
- location associated with site of vacc
- study demonstrating ~50% had been vaccinated within 3y of tumour development
- one study reported reduced incidence with switch in vaccines but another did not find a difference in incidence.
- WSAVA and JFMS vaccine guidelines are to avoid adjuvanted killed vaccines and use liver/modified live instead
JFMS FISS Grading scheme survival times
Low - 900d
Med 514d
High - 283d
FISS Tx outcomes
Sx alone has 30-50% recurrence if complete, 70% if incomplete
Adjunctive brachytherapy following surgery reduced recurrence (54%) in incompletely excised and increased MST to 1242d
JFMS 2019 - definitive RT improved PFI if used in first line treatment with sx (no improvement if used in follow up surgery)
CAnine MCT Prognostic Factors
Histological grade - higher is worse
- Stage of disease - lower better
- Cellular proliferation indices - Ki67, MI, pCNA overexpression has been associated with poor prognosis
- Tumour growth rate - faster growth rate poorer prognosis
- Systemic signs - poor
- Ckit mutation - previously thought to be negative but this has since been contradicted
MCT risk of tumour related death and recurrence by grade (Vet Path 2021)
Low (I) - 2% TRD
Low (II) - 6% TRD
High (II) - 15%
High (III) - 75%
Risk of metastasis at Dx - up to 46% LN in high grade, 20% distant.
Canine MCT WHO Staging
0 - incompletely excised
1 - single tumour
2 - single tumour + LN
3 - Mutliple tumours or infiltrating dermis
4. Distant Mets
Staging only indicated in high grade tumours or those with multiple other negative prognostic factors.
Canine MCT Tx and evidence
Low grade - no evidence of need for adjunctive chemo as low risk of recurrence or metastasis and no evidnece these treatments reduce risk
2 recent papers have reported improved survival time in high grade MCT if the draining LN was removed /irradiated regardless of if metastatic disease present
Tigilanol Tiglate indications; MOA
Tx of low grade MCT of distal limb without evidence of metastasis
- intratumoral injection of compound ellicits rapid local inflammatory response (through mitochondrial dysfunction) and reduction in local blood supply that causes tumour cell death and results in necrosis and sloughing.
Recommend adjunctive treatment with H2 blockers and prednisolone to avoid histamine associated adverse effects
Tigilanol Tiglate Evidence
3 publications of same study population in JVIM. 123 dogs one of which was a randomised controlled clinical study, another a 12 month follow up and another evaluating wound healing. All from manufacturer of drug.
The prospective study reported 75% complete response to treatment, and no recurrence in 93% 84d after treatment (increased to 88% if second treatment given) though complete staging was not undertaken in this population. Wounds healed in all with minimal intervention
Only 64/116 dogs in later published 12 month follow up were evaluated. Of which 89% still tumour free based on clinical evaluation only.
No subsequent staging and grade of disease only confirmed on cytopathology (not histopathology) .
Wound healing was 4-6 weeks on average. 5 dogs needing bandaging.
Cytologically high grade tumours may be less responsive compared to low grade.
Types of Feline MCT and their Px/Tx
JFMS study reported beneficial response to toceranib in a majority of all MCT types in cats.
Cutaneous - most are low grade, but can have high mitotic index/grade and this is associated with prognosis. Sx removal is generally curative but up to 24% recur. Recent study reported 59% have nodal mets.
Visceral - prognosis with splenectomy is fair to good with MST of 12-18mo in some studies and adjunctive Tx with toceranib may be beneficial
Intestinal - 2018 VCO study found no difference in survival b/w treatment methods including Sx vs pred alone, May have been biased with more severe cases receiving more treatment. MST 16mo.
Proposed pathophysiology of hormonal influence on mammary gland neoplasia
Progesterone increases mammary gland cell expression of GH to induce local IGF-1 production. This is a proliferation and survival stimulus.
The combined effect of concurrent oestrogen exposure increases this.
This is why females with prior progestagin exposure have higher risk of MGT development in both cats and dogs.
Biology of Mammary Tumours
Begin as benign proliferations and as they continue to grow there is a drift towards loss of hormone reliance through reduced expression of hormone receptors which are all but gone in the highly malignant tumours. The disease is a continuum not separate disease entities.
MGT staging tests in canines
Cytology has 68-93% accuracy for diagnosis of malignancy
Sens 88%; Spec 96%
LN mapping indicated as multiple nodes may be involved and with malignant lymphangiogenesis the draining node may be altered or intra-abdominal.
LN metastasis is a poor prognostic indicator in both cats and dogs
Prognostic factors for Canine Mammary tumours
- Tumours >3cm (<2cm in cats has much better prognosis)
- Presence of LN metastasis (same in cats)
- presence of MGT in neutered dog
- anaplastic or inflammatory carcinoma morphology
- complete lack of hormone receptor expression
Poor prognostic factors for oral and cutaneous Melanoma (8)
VCOG Guidelines
- Presence of lymphatic invasion
- Mitotic index (>4 oral, >3 cutaneous)
- Atypical nuclei (>30% oral, >20% cut)
- Loss of pigmentation -
- Ulceration (cutaneous only)
- Presence of deep infiltration
- Ki67 index (>19% oral, 15% cut)
- LN/distant metastasis
Oncept - evidence for and against
- Early studies showed generation of humoral response
- Low/minimal reports of adverse effects
- Initial retrospective case control studies demonstrated an improved survival time in dogs treated with the vaccine vs those that did not recieve treatment other than surgery
- Population in this study was highly censored with many lost to follow up and use of historical controls meant that dz stage could have been incorrect and that overall survival was used instead of progression free survival which is a better marker of dz control.
- further retrospective studies showed no difference in outcome between patients that had surgery + any additional treatment
Overall lack of definitive proof of efficacy. Recetn JSAP paper may have demonstrated a benefit in dogs with macroscopic or late stage disease.
Flow Cytometry - test principles and indications
Incubates a population of live cells with panel of markers (mAb) to identify cell surface protein (does not need to lyse cells like IHC). Then counts the number of cells with each marker to look for clonal expansion of cell type.
Tcells = CD3, CD4; CD5; CD8
B cells = CD20 CD21; PAX5
Able to differentiate cell lineage and subcategorise lymphoproliferative disease such as T zone lymphoma from reactive populations and leukaemia from stage V lymphoma.
Canine Multicentric Lymphoma Prognostic factors
Cell lineage - T cell (large) generally worse
Substage b worse
Stage 5 disease
Hypercalcaemia - may be due to association with T cell disease
Presence of cranial mediastinal LN enlargement (any amount)
Presence of extranodal disease
Prior treatment with steroids
Ki67 index - <11% associated with longer survival in DLBCL
Neutrophilia/ high NLR - poor prognostic indicator, may be other physiological factors affecting this
What does Thymidine Kinase measure and what evidence is there it is prognostic
TK1 is a marker of DNA synthesis levels and an important marker of cellular proliferation. Recent JVIM study looked at serum levels in DLBCL patients and found Sens 76% and Spec 100% for detection of partial response to chemotherapy treatment (also increased in pretreatment compared to healthy dogs but some overlap). It was also 94% specific for detection of relapse at 4 weeks after complete remission (50% sensitive)
Could be a useful monitoring tool for response to treatment in select patients.
Feline Lymphoma Stages
I = single node/anatomic site
II = 2 nodes or single tumour + regional node or resectable GI mass
III = 2 tumours/nodes opposite sides of diaphragm; non-resectable GI mass
IV = any of I-III with liver of spleen involvement
V = CNS or bone marrow involvement
Prognostic Factors for Feline lymphomas
- Most important is whether there is response to initial chemotherapy treatment.
- Stage >III carries poorer prognosis
- Positive for FeLV (50% shorter OST)
- Cell phenotype is not a strong factor in cats (at least not proven)
Feline Nasal Lymphoma Tx options/Px
- Radiation alone 263 d
- RT + chemo = 955d
- Chemo only
Feline Mediastinal Lymphoma Tx options/Px
- Chemotherapy
- carries a fair prognosis with ORR 92% and MST of 12 mo
Feline Nodal Lymphoma Tx options/Px
Chemotherapy - variable response
- CR 40-45%; PR 25%
- single agent therapy is less effective
Feline Laryngeal/TrachealLymphoma Tx options/Px
Chemotherapy only protocol reported in recent study had longer OST 909 days
Feline Renal Lymphoma Tx options/Px
Usually systemic involvement and carries a guarded to poor prognosis
- chemotherapy is best treatment but may be limited due to renal insufficiency increasing risk of toxicity
CR 62%;
PFS 7mo
Feline CNS Lymphoma Tx options/Px
Usually secondary to other systemic lymphoma and carries poor prognosis
Chemotherapy has limited efficacy due to BBB, few reports of treatments most having limited success
Feline High grade Alimentary Lymphoma Tx options/Px
Intermediate/Large cell - stomach, ileum, caecum (B cell)
Large Granular Cell - jejunum (T cell)
Most Feline alimentary lymphoma is low grade (35-75% of call cases)
- Sx removal of mass: some evidence this improves PFS and improves QoL and response to treatment (also reducing risk of intestinal dehisence) however not proven
ORR to chemo for I/HGAL is ~60% with 30% having CR. MST 100d
Recent study using adjunctive RT did not improve outcome
- LGL has poorest overall prognosis with lower ORR to chemotherapy and MST of 20-90d
What proportion of feline LGAL transforms to I/HGAL
What is prognosis
Recent study in JFMS of 121 cats documented 9.9% (12)
Mean time from initial diagnosis of LGAL to high grade disease was 543 days progressed to develop high grade disease
Similar frequency of development of intestinal carcinoma in same population
- Survival time for cats developing HGAL was shorter than those who develop it without prior LGAL
What are the diagnostic criteria for Multiple Myeloma?
What is the recommended monitoring for remission?
Diagnosis: >5% of BM comprised on plasma cells (normal <2%)
+/- osteolytic bone lesions (M protein monoclonal gammopathy)
+/- hyperglobulinemia or bence jones proteinuria
JVIM 2020 paper reported monitoring of M protein with SPE was more specific for remission (CR/PR) than using serum globulins. with greater reduction in M protein being associated with longer overall survival time.
MST reported was 630d with melphalan/pred protocol if >90% reduction, shorter if <50% reduction..
What is the difference between acute and chronic leukaemias
Both are neoplastic proliferation of BM cells
Acute = proliferation of immature blast cells resulting in >20-25% blasts in BM with subsequent myelophthesis
Chronic = neoplastic proliferation of mature cells that are phenotypically well differentiated. BM reveals orderly maturation with hyperplasia of the cell line so is not diagnostically helpful as does not differentiate from reactive processes.
Differentiation of Stage V lymphoma from ALL
ALL - blasts in circulation (<10% are aleukaemic); presence of other cytopaenias, >25% blasts in BM; rarely lymph node enlargement
Stage V = low numbers of atypical cells in circulation, <25% of BM; rarely cytopaenias of other cell lines.
Most common type of leukaemia by species
Dog - myeloblastic-monocytic AML
Cat - FeLV associated erythroblastic or lymphoblastic leukaemia
up to 25% of BM are PCR positive for FeLV virus (with negative p27 antigen on serum
Diagnostic criteria for CLL
Peripheral Lymphocytosis
Rarely other cytopaenias
Other infectious or inflammatory diseases excluded (Ehrlichia, lymphoma, thymoma, oestrogen/lead toxicity)
BM is generally not considered useful in diagnosis
Flow cytometry on whole blood to characterise population of cells - CD45, CD3, CD5, and CD8 and the absence of staining for CD4, CD21, and CD34 confirms cytotoxic T cell origin and clonal expansion
High Sens and Spec in human CLL
Treatment indications for Canine CLL
DEvelopment of anaemia, thrombocytopaenia or other cell lineage decreases
Development of clinical signs: lethargy, weakness, reduced appetite
Boxers - have poorer overall outcome in one study
Differentials for cranial mediastinal mass`
Thymoma - benign and malignant varieties
Mediastinal T cell Lymphoma
Ectopic Thyroid carcinoma
Granulomatous disease
Differentiation of Thymoma and Lymphoma
Flow Cytom:
Lymphocyte coexpression of CD4 and CD8 consistent with thymic lymphocytes.
>10% in thymoma, <2% in lymphoma
(in DOGS not CATS)
U/S - lymphoma more likely to be solid compared to thymoma which more likely has a cystic/heterogeneous appearance. Though not a highly specific test.
Paraneoplastic syndromes associated with thymoma in dogs and cats
DOG - MG, hypercalcaemia; MegaO; erythema multiforme; lar par
Concurrent non-thymic neoplasia common
CAT - MG; immune mediated myeloid destruction (granulocytopenia); exfoliative dermatitis
Prognosis for canine and feline thymoma
DOG - surgical removal has good prognosis, poorer if thymic carcinoma (<26% 2yr survival) or incomplete excision.
Benefit of adjunctive radiation ot established.
Presence of paraneoplastic syndromes has mixed reports of whether assoc with prognosis.
Histopathological grade and local invasiveness seem most important.
CAT - sx excision best treatment, and degree of local invasion determines success. Recurrence and thus prognosis depends on completeness of excision.
Histological features of invasiveness are also reported to be prognostic.