Species ID Quiz 1 - Characteristics Flashcards
False terminal, overlapping bud scale, short lateral shoots, catkins, fuzzy, slender
River Birch
Dark colored, buds diverge away from twig, zigzag pattern, bean pod like old fruit
Large thorns, knobby nodes, zigzag pattern, false terminal, raised lenticels, superposed winter buds
Honey Locust
Stout, silvery, large leaf scar with owl face (3-bundle U-shaped), fuzzy buds, chambered pith
Black Walnut
Huge winter buds, knobby leaf scars (raised), ridged sides, glossy overlapping red bud scale
Eastern Cottonwood
White outer covering (bloom), Pointy overlapping buds, prickles, glossy sheen
Black Raspberry
False terminal, raised leaf scars, naked buds, round reproductive buds
Superposed lateral buds (sunken in), large seed pod, stout, large heart shaped leaf scars, alternate leaf arrangement, orange pith
Kentucky Coffee-tree
False terminal, zigzag bud shoots, bundle scars encircle buds, newer growth = orange
Aerial roots, fuzzy lateral shoots, dish shaped leaf scars, 2 overlapping buds (imbricate), cone shaped buds with gray scales
Virginia Creeper
Oblong white lenticels, bright red axillary fruit, subtended underneath bivalves, tiny buds/leaf scars
Round Leaf Bittersweet
Thin, small leaf scars, opposite, dark brown pointy buds, younger = peachy color
Gray Dogwood
New growth = fuzzy, corky layer covers leaf scar, false terminal, lopsided, orange buds
American Elm
New growth = fuzzy, hollow pith, pointy orange-tan bud, opposite
Silky Dogwood
Tenrule (curly portions for climbing), Tendril at third node = absent, overlapping conical bud scale
River-bank Grape
Bitter almond smell, true terminal, dark overlapping bud scale
Wild Black Cherry
True terminal bud, new growth = hairy, raised away leaf scars, knobby appearance, overlapping orange/tan buds, rough texture, produces blue fruits
Common Privet
Slender, one side red, one side green, zigzag pattern, pink buds, prickles paired at nodes
Multiflora Rose
Excavated (hollow) pith, light tan color, pointy conical opposite buds, shreddy, overall boring
Amur Honeysuckle
True terminal, buds have scaly dots, overall scaly texture
Autumn Olive
New growth = coffee color, overlapping bud scales, pointy buds, true terminal, dancing leaves (flat petiole)
Quaking Aspen
Slender, chestnut brown, greener (younger growth), diverging buds, small leaf scars, 2-3 bundle scars, marcescence
Hop Hornbeam
Slender, bud scale scars, long thin cigar shaped buds, longer and pointier than hop hornbeam, marcescence
American Beech
Opposite/sub-opposite, overlapping bud scale, false terminal, thorn at terminal bud
Common Buckthorn
Slender, lots of lenticels (bark), purply gray, naked and fuzzy buds, no terminal thorn
Glossy Buckthorn
Rough texture (tiny bumps), more stout, fuzzier, rust colored hairs, indented bundle scars, false terminal, produces a mucus, large flower buds
Slippery/red Elm