Specialized Financial Statements: Banks Flashcards
Profit and loss format in sequence
Mark-up/return/interest earned
Mark-up/return/interest expensed
Net mark-up/ interest income (TOTAL)
Non mark-up/interest income
All other incomes
Non mark-up/interest expense
All other expenses
Profit before provision (Total)
Less: provisions and write offs during the period
Profit after provision
Less: Taxation
Less: Extra ordinary / unusual items /(to be specified)
EPS Basic and Dilluted
other comprehensive income format (3+4)
Profit after taxation for the year
Other comprehensive income
* Items that may be reclassified to profit and loss account in subsequent periods:
Effect of translation of net investment in foreign branches
Movement in surplus / (deficit) on revaluation of investments - net of tax
Others (to be specified)
* Items that will not be reclassified to profit and loss account in subsequent periods
Remeasurement gain / (loss) on defined benefit obligations - net of tax
Movement in surplus on revaluation of operating fixed assets - net of tax
Movement in surplus on revaluation of non-banking assets - net of tax
Others (to be specified)
Total comprehensive income
List the disclosures in bank [6]
- Cash and Balance with Treasury banks
- Lending to financial institutions
- Investments
- Advances
- Borrowings
- Deposits and other accounts.
Cash and balances with treasury banks (2+4+2+2+1)
In hand
- local currency X
- foreign currencies X
With State Bank of Pakistan
- local currency current account X
- foreign currency current accounts X
- local currency deposit account (to be specified) X
- foreign currency deposit accounts X
With other central banks
- Foreign currency current account X
- Foreign currency deposit account X
With National Bank of Pakistan
- local currency current account X
- local currency deposit account X
Prize bonds X
Lending To Financial Institutions (5+2)
Lending to Financial Institutions
. Call / clean money lendings
. Repurchase agreement lendings (Reverse Repo)
Bai Muajjal receivable
- with state bank
- with other financial institutions
. Others (to be specified)
. LESS: provision held against Lending to Financial Institutions
Lending to Financial Institutions - net of provision (Total)
List the subnotes in Lending To Financial Institutions
- Particulars of lending (in LCY/FCY)
- Securities held as collateral against lending to financial institutions
- Categories of classifciation (Domestic, Overseas not overdue and in days overdue)
Lending To Financial Institutions: Particulars of Lending (2)
- in Local currency
- in foreign currencies
Lending To Financial Institutions: Securities held as collateral against Lending to financial institutions (3+3)
……………………………………………….Held by Bank |Further given as collateral | Total
* Market Treasury Bills
* Pakistan Investment Bond
* Others (to be specified)
Lending To Financial Institutions: Category of classification (4+4)
……………. ………Classified Lending | Provision held
- Other assets especially mentioned
- Substandard
- Doubtful
- Loss
- Not past due but impaired
Overdue by:
- 91 to 180 days
- 181 to 365 days
- more than 365 days
Investments by type (5)
- Federal Government Securities
- Provincial Government Securities
- Non-Government Debt Securities
- Shares
- Foreign Securities
- Others (to be specified)
Available-for-sale securities
- Federal Government Securities
- Provincial Government Securities
- Non-Government Debt Securities
- Shares
- Foreign Securities
- Others (to be specified)
Held-to-maturity securities
- Federal Government Securities
- Provincial Government Securities
- Non-Government Debt Securities
- Foreign Government Securities
- Others (to be specified)
- Associates
- Subsidiaries
Total Investments
specify each name of share like PIB, Ordinary shares of Lucky Cement
Columns: Cost/Amortized Cost | Provision for Diminution | Surplus/Deficit | Carrying Amount
Investments by segments (9)
Federal Government Securities
- Market Treasury Bills
- Pakistan Investment Bonds
- Ijarah Sukuks
- Others (All investments to be specified)
Provincial Government Securities
Listed Companies Shares
Unlisted Companies Shares
Non-Government Debt Securities (Listed)
Non-Government Debt Securities (Unlisted)
Foreign Securities (Government securities)
Foreign Securities (Non–Government Debt securities)
Associates (disclose individually by name)
Subsidiaries (disclose individually by name)
Total Investments
Columns: Cost/Amortized Cost | Provision for Diminution | Surplus/Deficit | Carrying Amount
What is the subnote of Investments
Provision for Dimunition
Investment: Provision for Dimunition (7)
Provision for diminution in value of investments
Opening balance X
Exchange adjustments X
Charge / reversals
- Charge for the year (bal fig) X
- Reversals for the year X
- Reversal on disposals X
Transfers - net X
Amounts written off X
Closing Balance X
List the subnotes of Advances
- Net Investment in Finance Lease
- Particulars of advances (LCY/FCY)
- Classification (non performing and provision - domestic and overseas)
- Particulars of provision against advances (specific, general)
Advances (5+1)
Loans, cash credits, running finances, etc. X
Islamic financing and related assets X
Bills discounted and purchased X
Advances - gross X
Less: Provision against advances
- Specific (X)
- General (X)
Advances - net of provision X
Columns: Performing | Non performing
Advances Include Net Investment in Finance Lease
- Not later than one year
- Later than one year and not more than five years
- Over five years
- Total
Lease receivables (a)
Residual value (b)
Minimum lease payments (a+b)
Financial charges for future periods (c)
Total (total)
Present value of minimum lease payments (pv of total)
Advances: Particulars of Advances (2)
- in local currency
- in foreign currencies
Advances: Category of classification
Advances include Rs._______ (20XX ———) which have been placed under non-performing status
as detailed below:-
- Other assets especially mentioned
- Substandard
- Doubtful
- Loss
- Not past due but impaired
Overdue by:
- 91 to 180 days
- 181 to 365 days
- more than 365 days
Columns: Non Performing Loans | Provision
Advances: Particulars of provision against advances (8)
Show in local and in foreign currency bifurcation too
The Bank should adequately disclose the details and impact of Forced Sale Value (FSV) benefit availed as allowed under instructions issued by the State Bank of Pakistan
- Opening balance
- Exchange adjustments
- Charge for the year (bal fig: a)
- Reversals (b)
- X (a+b)
- Amounts written off
- Amounts charged off - agriculture financing
- Other movements (to be specified)
- Closing balance
Columns: Specific | General
- in local currency
- in foreign currencies
Borrowings (3+9)
Borrowings from State Bank of Pakistan
- Under export refinance scheme
- Under Locally Manufactured Machinery (LMM) scheme
- Others (to be specified)
Repurchase agreement borrowings
- Borrowings from subsidiary companies, managed modarabas, and associated undertakings
- Borrowings from directors (including chief executive) of the bank
- Others (to be specified)
Total secured
- Call borrowings
- Overdrawn nostro accounts
- Others (to be specified)
Total unsecured
Deposits and other accounts
- Current deposits
- Savings deposits
- Term deposits
- Others
Financial Institutions
- Current deposits
- Savings deposits
- Term deposits
- Others
Columns : Local Currency | Foregin Currency
Current accounts - deposits repayable on demand, non-remunerative
Saving accounts - deposits repayable on demand, remunerative
Others: Disclose those accounts in this category that are neither current or saving accounts and those do not fall under the aforesaid definition of current and saving accounts e.g., margin, call deposits etc.
Vostro accounts should be classified here.