Specialisation, Division Of Labour And Exchange Flashcards
What is specialisation?
when each worker completes a specific task in a production process - become better/ more efficnt
Define division of labour
when a firms splits up its production process into smaller separate tasks and assign different workers to each task
As a result of the division of labour, what does this mean for worker
worker are only doing one task they are able to specialise and be productive
Define barter
when one good is swapped for another
What is a limitation of bartering
It is difficult to find a double coincidence of wants, someone who has what you want and who wants what you have
What is a solution to the limitations of bartering
- people can both buy and sell using money.
This means people will be happy to buy the things they want to sell using money.
What is money
Money is amedium of exchange
State an advantage of money
- money allows us to trade with ease
What has the division of labour allowed (trade and specialisation) and describe
specialisation within firms, also specialisation across countries
- countries specialise in producing a particular goods and services and then trading with other nations so that everyone benefits
Division of labour (ADV): increase output
division of labour enables specialisation. When working each working is able to focus at what they are best at/ master their own task + use specialist equipment/ do not have to waste time switching between tasks = efficient = more productive,
- they can produce more, so they can increase there firms output
Division of labour (ADV): increase quality
In mastering the task they dare assigned to, specialised workers can improve the quality of the product they are making
Division of labour (ADV): decrease unit costs
the same workers working for the same amount of time can now produce more output in the same amount of time because they are more efficient/ productive
Division of labour (ADV): firm saves money on training costs
firms will only have to train workers in one particular task = save
Division of labour (DISADV): demotivation
workers are doing the same task every day = may get bored. This may reduce productivity as they loose interest in their job they may stop caring about the products they are producing = reduces quality
Division of labour (DISADV): Absenteeism
when workers intentionally skip work (due to workers being bored)
Division of labour (DISADV): unemployment
if you specialise in one particular task and leave/ loose your job without any other skills it may be hard to find another job
Division of labour (DISADV): workers may quit
If specialised workers leave their jobs the whole production process will break down, no one else at the firm will be able to complete the task as they are specialised in another task = production will stop until the firm finds a replacement = extra recruitment costs/ training costs (recruitment/ retraining) = Increase costs
Division of labour (DISADV): workers may quit - Define employee turnover
percentage of employees at the firm will quit their jobs
Division of labour (DISADV): workers may quit - How does demotivation and employee turnover link
to find something more interesting to do with their careers = increases employee turnover (a high percentage of employees at the firm will quit their jobs)
Specialisation and trade (ADV): more variety
different people, companies and countries can specialise in producing using their own gods and services = we get to enjoy goods and services around the world that we may not be able to produce in our countries
Specialisation and trade (ADV): more output
by specialising in what we are good at, we can produce more output overall
Specialisation and trade (ADV): increased trade
When you are specialised in producing a good or service, you need to trade with others to be able to enjoy other goods and services - more trade = businesses sell more products = creates more jobs and helps our economy grow
Specialisation and trade (DISADV): over specialisation
If the industry declines = hard to find new job - skills may not be transferable = unemployment
Specialisation and trade (DISADV): why is Natural resource depletion bad?
if this happens they will not have resources to trade for goods and services they want