Special Topics Flashcards
Albisa (2011)
Albisa (2011) argues these are relatively “solid” constitutive commitments:
* Education: 1954 Brown v. Board of Ed decision rules “racially segregated public school systems unconstitutional”
○ But 1972 case upholds property-tax-based education financing
○ And a 1982 case preserves access of undocumented children to education while emphasizing that there is not a constitutionally guaranteed right to education nor are these children a ‘protected class’ (Albisa 2011, 71-73)
Right to nondiscrimination: protected under US Civil Rights Act of 1964 and reinforced with ratification of ICERD
Albisa (2011) argues these are not yet constitutive commitments:
* Public assistance: Supreme Court rulings from 1960 onward (through 2000) characterize public assistance as ‘privilege’ and not a ‘right’ (see quoted in Albisa 2011, 72); access is not universal
* Housing: rulings in the mid-1970s determine there to be no constitutional right to housing in USA and 1990s ruling strengthens grounds for drug-related eviction from public housing
* Right to join a labor union: not universally protected (i.e., civil servants excluded; agricultural and domestic workers are not protected under the Fair Labor Standards Act; USA has not ratified ILO 87 or ILO 98: https://normlex.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=1000:12000
* Right to old age pension (Social Security)
* Minimum wage (see shift from 1927 to 1937): regarded by Supreme Court initially as an unfair burden to employers; see shift to interpretation that the community should not subsidize employers
Freedom of Religion is Protected In…
UDHR, ICCPR (Article 18) - protects conversion of religion, Gen. Comment 22 (on ICCPR) re: freedom of religion
Balance between different religious groups
In religion State is responsible to:
1). Create an environment of “societal openness and tolerance”
2). Create a netural environment in interest of ensuring non-discrimination. But state should NOT simply be passive
3). If state religion exists, ensure non-discrimination of those who aren’t members of it
4). Create “reasonable” accommodations (ie., dietary, military, etc.)
Argument: essential human right of freedom, religion, belief, is in jeopardy. Misrepresentations of these rights and conflation of them often occcur. FREEDOM OF RELIGION IS MISUNDERSTOOD
ICCPR, ICERD, UDHR, General Comment 2022 of ICCPR
- Bielefeldt argues HR protect PEOPLE, not religions
- Protecting freedom of religion is grounded in “respecting the self-understanding of human beings” (2013, p. 37)
example of Star Wars religion I think - Restrictions on religious practice are acceptable only if they are:
1). Legally prescribed
2). Clearly needed to protect public safety, health, etc.
3). Proportionate
4). Non-discriminatory
- Protecting freedom of religion is grounded in “respecting the self-understanding of human beings” (2013, p. 37)
Key sources of tension in religion HR:
Anti-defamation” lawss that threaten people who dissent
Protecting religious identity at the expense of personal choice/autonomy
Religious identity isn’t fixed; it constantly evolves
Peaceful competition and intellectual controversies are integral to the evolution of religion
Rabat Plan of Action
Soft Law. On the prohibition of advocacy of national, racial, or religious hatred that constitutes encitement to discrimination, hosility, or violence
Faith for Rights Framework
OHCHR created in 2017 for policy action and outreach
Beruit Declaration
Soft law. Calls for:
○ …identification of common ground among all religions and belief
○ …to uphold dignity and worth of all human beings
Konstantinos & MacNaughton
Boston as an HR City.
Argument: there is a knowledge gap about Boston being an HR City and thus is not having a big impact on human rights in the city.
Qualitative Interviews: more anthropological and interviewed people working with human rights (members of city staff, UMass Boston faculty, NGO representatives)
Analyzes ILO 182 (aims to eliminate the worst forms of child labor, slavery, trafficking, hazardous work) and proposes that it has the potential to make change, but takes more than just ratification. Has to work in conjunction with government systems and others.
The article highlights examples like the garment industry in Bangladesh, where poorly planned interventions initially worsened children’s conditions but later led to successful education and support programs.
Targeted projects should focus on hazardous sectors, ensuring meaningful participation of children and their families in designing interventions.
Multi-level, policy integration focus.
Sok & Neubeck
HR local is possible. CEDAW, ICERD.
Focus on experiences of HR cities in San Francisco, NYC, and Eugene OR
Although the U.S. has played a leading role in shaping global human rights frameworks, it has neglected to fully implement these standards domestically. The authors highlight the importance of grassroots efforts in bridging this gap, using the example of San Francisco’s pioneering adoption of a local ordinance based on the UN’s Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
Key points include:
U.S. Hypocrisy on Human Rights: Despite promoting human rights abroad, the U.S. selectively ratifies international treaties, failing to address systemic issues such as racial discrimination, gender inequality, and violations like torture and the shackling of women during childbirth domestically.
San Francisco’s CEDAW Ordinance: Activists in San Francisco successfully implemented a local version of CEDAW in 1998. This ordinance proactively addresses gender and racial discrimination by requiring systemic reviews of city agencies, mandating gender analyses, and integrating human rights principles into public policies.
Impacts of the Ordinance: The ordinance led to significant changes, such as family-friendly work policies, requirements for gender equity in city-funded projects, and the collection of disaggregated data to identify patterns of discrimination.
Inspirations for Broader Movements: San Francisco’s example has inspired similar initiatives in cities like New York and Eugene, Oregon, demonstrating the potential for localized human rights implementation to drive change nationwide.
The authors conclude that local actions can catalyze a stronger U.S. human rights movement, emphasizing the importance of adapting international principles to local contexts to create equitable and sustainable communities.
Argument: law advances through compromise.
discusses two optional protocols to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), both adopted in May 2000. These protocols address the involvement of children in armed conflict and the sale of children, child prostitution, and child pornography.
Key Points:
Purpose of the Protocols:
The first protocol limits the involvement of children under 18 in armed conflicts, emphasizing protection from conscription and direct participation in hostilities.
The second protocol targets the sexual exploitation of children, including trafficking, prostitution, and pornography, establishing legal obligations for states to criminalize such activities.
Protocol on Armed Conflict:
Raises the minimum age for compulsory recruitment and direct participation in hostilities to 18.
Allows voluntary recruitment at 16 but imposes safeguards to ensure informed consent and prevent exploitation.
Highlights the need for rehabilitation programs for child soldiers and stricter international measures to prevent their use.
Protocol on Sexual Exploitation:
Requires states to criminalize and penalize acts like selling children, exploiting them for sex, and creating or distributing child pornography.
Emphasizes cross-border cooperation to combat trafficking and other transnational crimes.
Calls for support systems for victims, including legal, social, and psychological assistance.
Implementation and Challenges:
The protocols rely on ratifying states to align domestic laws with these international standards.
Enforcement mechanisms depend on international cooperation, transparency in reporting, and monitoring by the CRC Committee.
U.S. Involvement:
The U.S. played a significant role in drafting these protocols, despite its earlier reservations about the CRC itself.
This involvement demonstrates a shift towards addressing global issues affecting children, while still navigating domestic political concerns.
Significance and Limitations:
The protocols represent critical steps in strengthening child protection globally.
However, challenges remain in ensuring universal ratification, effective implementation, and addressing root causes like poverty and lack of education.
Dennis concludes that these protocols enhance the legal framework for protecting children’s rights but underscores the need for robust international cooperation and national commitment to achieve their goals.
Cowan & Billaud
UPR less successful. References UDHR, ICCPR
Evidence is specific case studies through participant observation (ground yourself with group, observe, gently participating, watch what is going on); Interviews in the form of casual conversations
Reporting lacks broader historical/cultural context; states are considered in isolation
* Recommendations on HR may clash with recommendations on fiscal austerity (from World Bank or other entities) * Implementing recommendations is often contingent on \$\$ ○ Concerns related to ICESCR and the capacity of countries to do things if they don't have money ○ Progressive realization using maximum extent of available resources, non-discrimination, if I am a rich state and signed ICESCR I am obliged to give development assistance to make it possible for other states to do the same * UPR doesn't address urgent situations outside the countries under review ○ Has been addressed in some ways, especially looking at the reporting during the pandemic where States would recognize the the importance and effect of COVID-19 * Difficulty of interpreting aims and outcomes of two-level games (Putnam 1988) ○ Think about how people respond to this UPR process is in part how they are interacting on the international stage, but also what that will do for the perception of those in the home country ○ Working in an international sphere, but also to pacify at home * Delegates argue "We cannot totally ignore what some countries are doing abroad" (2015, 1186) nor should we ignore the embedded nature of historical/cultural linkages
Only two parts of human rights system where people other than state actors are the ones in charge
Special Mechanisms for Indigenous People