Special Topics Flashcards
What are Factors Beneficial for a Gut Microbiome?
1) Formula Feeding
2) Breast Feeding
3) Vaginal Birth
4) Sterile Environment
2 + 3
What are the Factors Disadvantageous to a Gut Microbiome?
2) C-section
3) Rural Environment
4) Antibiotics
2 + 4
What is True about Butyrate?
1) MCFA for (E)
2) Promotes Leaky Gut
3) SCFA for (E)
What effect do Fiber-rich diets have on HbA1C?
1) Increases it
2) Lower it
List 3 Non-obvious ways to Reduce Cancer Risk.
Moldy grains/Legumes
What do Methotrexate & 5-Fluorocil do to treat Cancer?
1) Increases cell Apoptosis
2) Cut off Folate from producing T in the DNA
3) Promote Folate to rid of Precancerous cells
What happens during the Promotion step during Cancer Cell formation?
1) DNA is damaged and mutated
2) Rapid growth of Cancerous cells
3) Decreased Apoptosis or Increased Cell Replication
How does Low Folate affect Stages of Cancer?
1) Increase the Initiation step
2) Decrease the Progression step
3) Increase the Progression step
1 + 2
An increase in Folate in studies has been shown to reduce &/or increase the incidence of certain cancers
Studies prove both scenarios to be the case
What is a Polymorphism in Humans?
1) Alteration of sort within DNA seq of a gene
2) Gene present in specific people in a population that increases risk of obesity
3) High expression of DNA seq in specific individuals
What is True about the Thrifty Genotype Hypothesis?
1) Polymorphisms lead to efficient storage and then weight gain
2) Polymorphisms lead to efficient use of Cals and then weight loss
3) Indians and Nauruans are evidence of this Hypothesis
1 + 3
There is an argument debating the validity of the Thrifty Hypothesis? List 2 reasons why?
Everyone today is susceptible to overabundance of Food & obesity
No thrifty Genes
What is True about the Barker Hypothesis?
1) Poor nutrition during fetal & infant development leads to obesity
2) Poor nutrition during childhood leads to obesity
3) Excess nutrition during fetal development leads to obesity
What was found in the Dutch Famine Study?
1) Famine in 3rd Trimester led to Lower Obesity
2) Famine in 1st / 2rd Trimester lead to Obesity
3) Famine in 3rd Trimester lead to Obesity
4) Famine in either Trimesters was insignificant in proving Obesity risk during childhood
1 + 2
What is Epigenetics?
1) The silencing or expression of DNA seqs
2) The complete change of your DNA due to environmental factors
3) Foods high in Methyl increase the risk of diseases/illnesses
4) Foods high in Methyl can reduce the risk of diseases/illnesses
1 + 4
What is Senescence?
1) When an infants growth stunts
2) Decline of physical & mental health w/ aging
3) Death of of fetus days after birth
What is Physical Maturity?
1) When you peak at ~25 yrs old in performance
2) When growth stops & you’re maintaining
3) When you reach 55 yrs old
What is Plica?
1) Inadequate nutrient intake in Mom that leads to deformities in their baby
2) Symptoms of red spotting in the skin after birth
3) Consumption of Non-food substances
What is True about Listeria Monocytogenes?
1) Can cause deformities in infant cells
2) Ilness that happens with exposure to bacteria
3) Can cause abortion
2 + 3
What are factors are NOT associated with Pregnancy Outcomes?
1) Birth Spacing
2) Low Prenatal Care
3) Caffeine
4) Maternal Age
None of the Above
How can Caffeine possibly affect Pregnancy?
1) No effect on Sleep when preganant
2) Decrease likelihood of a misscarriage
3) Raise BP
What two Micronutrient intakes increase during pregnancy?
1) Iodine
2) Folate
3) Iron
4) Vit b12
1 + 3
Aside from specific Micronutrients, what other things Increase during pregnancy?
1) Protein intake
2) Total Cal intake by 600kcal
3) Total Cal intake by 300-450kcal
1 + 3
In what Trimester is it necessary to Increase Caloric intake during pregnancy?
1) 1st trimester
2) 2nd trimester
3) 3rd trimester
2 + 3
What are some of the Adaptations made by the mother during Pregnancy?
1) Less absorption of carbohydrate food sources
2) Less excretion of Folate & Vit B12
3) Increased absorption of Iron & calcium
4) Less excretion of Zn & Riboflavin
3 + 4
SEQ the Stages of Cancer.
Include impact of Folate intake for some of the steps
The Apgar Score is used to measure if a newborn baby is healthy. What are some things doctors want to see if a baby is healthy?
1) >5.5lbs
2) No skin color
3) Skin color
4) Crying
1 + 3 + 4
What is the Optimal Gestation period?
1) 35 weeks
2) >37 weeks
3) >42 weeks
SEQ Pregnancy Stages & After Birth
Who would be most in need of Prenatal supplements?
1) Mom >40 yrs old
2) Vegan moms
3) Low-income moms
4) Moms with >1 fetus
2 + 4
What are the most highly recommended supplements for pregnant moms?
1) Zinc
2) Iron
3) Iodine
4) Folate
2 + 4
How much is excess Vitamin A for pregnant moms, and what illness is caused by it?
1) 4000 micro/day - Teratogenic
2) 3000 micro/day - Teratogenic
3) 4000 micro/day - Acrodermategenic
4) 3000 micro/day - Acrodermategenic
What during pregnancy increases the likelihood of Gestational diabetes?
1) The fetus
2) The placenta organ
3) Increased intake of Cals
4) Prenatal Ketosis
What is NOT an effect of Untreated Gestational diabetes?
1) C-section
2) Decreased baby weight
3) Increased baby weight
4) No birth trauma
2 + 4
What is NOT a Benefit of Breastfeeding?
1) Decrease in food allergies
2) Immune system maturation
3) High antibody intake for baby
4) Convenient for the mother