special tests Flashcards
what are the special tests for GH joint anterior instability
1) apprehension test
2) relocation test/surprise test
what does the apprehension test of the GH test for
torn inferior GH ligament, anterior capsule, and possible glenoid labrum
what is the pt and PT position for GH apprehesion test
pt: supine with shoulder at 90 degrees of abd
PT: move the shoulder into full ER
what is a positive apprehension test for the GH
pt looks or feels apprehensive toward ER movement
what is the pt and PT position of the relocation test
pt: is supine with 90 degrees abd and full ER
PT: apply a posterior translation to the humeral head where the patient felt apprehension in the apprehension test.
what is a positive GH relocation test
decreased apprehension or pain
what are the special tests for GH joint posterior and inferior instability
1) jerk test
2) sulcus sign
what does the jerk test identify
posterior inferior labral leison
what is the PT and pt postion of the jerk test
pt: seated with elbow at 90 degrees abd and IR.
PT: one hand on the elbow and one hand on the scapula. Horizontally add the arm
what is a positive jerk test
sharp shoulder pain with or without a click
what is the pt and PT position for the sulcus sign test
pt: in sitting with arm in 20-50 degrees of abd
PT: grasp the elbow and pull the arm inferiorly
what is a positive sulcus sign
depression is seen between the acromion and the humeral head
what are the special tests for subacrominal pain syndrome
1) hawkins kennedy
2) neer
3) painful arc
4) full can to empty can
5) ER isometric at 90
What is the pt and PT position for hawkins kennedy
pt: sitting with 90 degrees shoulder flexion and 90 degrees of elbow flexion
PT: stabilize the scapula, compress the humerus into the glenoid and passively IR the humerus
what is a positive hawkins kennedy test
reproduction of the patients familiar pain
what is the pt and PT position for neer impingement test
pt: seated
PT: stand behind the patient, depress the scapula. passively IR and flex the shoulder through the entire ROM
what is a positive neers test
reproduction of the pts familiar pain
painful arc pt and PT position
pt actively abducts the shoulder and reports that start and spot range of any pain.
PT just observing
that is a positive painful arc
- pain at 60-120 degrees indicated GH joint
- pain at more then 170 deg indicated ACJ
what is the pt and PT postion for full can
pt is sitting with arm in a scapution plane thumb up.
PT applies a downward force in the scapular plane
what does empty can indicate or identify
- tear of the supraspinatous
- impingement
- suprascapular nerve involvement
what is the pt and PT position in jobe/empty can
pt: shoulder elevated to 90 degrees in the scapular plane, shoulder IR (thumb down)
PT: applies a downward force at the wrist
what is a positive empty can test
reproduction of pain in the supraspinatus tendon and/ or weakness in “empty can” position
Pt and PT postion of the resisted shoulder ER iso
pt: sitting with elbows at side
PT: add in a medial force so that patient resists ER
what is a positive resisted shoulder ER
weakness when compared to the contralateral side
what are the tests for rotator cuff related shoulder pain/subacromial shoulder pain (RCRPS) - supraspinatus
1) jobe/empty can
2) full can
3) ER lag sign
what does the ER lag sign identify
infraspinatus or supraspinatus pathology
what is the pt and PT position for ER lag test
pt: seated
PT: passively abduct the shoulder to 20 degrees in the scapular plane with full ER. Come off of full ER 5 degrees and instruct the patient to hold
what is a positive ER lag test
pt cannot hold the position, (shoulder moves into internal rotation)
what is the test for a full thickness infraspinatus tear
external rotation lag sign
what are the tests for rotator cuff related shoulder pain/subacromial shoulder pain (RCRPS) - subscapularis
1) lift off + belly press
2) belly press + bear hug
what does the lift off test indicate
lesion of the subscap
what is the pt and PT position of the lift off test
pt: hand placed on the back of their back
PT: instruct the patient to lift the back of their hand off of their back
what is a positive lift off test
weakness of aberrant scapular movement
pt and PT position in the belly press test
pt: have the patient place their hand on their belly
PT: place your hand in between the patients hand and their belly have them resist IR
what is a positive of the belly press test
weakness or pain - can quantify with the pressure cuff
what is the pt and PT position of the bear hug test
pt: place hand on opposite shoulder at 90 degrees
PT: patient to press hand down into the shoulder
what is a positive bear hug test
pain on provocation
what does internal rotation lag sign indicate
a full thickness subscapularis tear
what is the pt and PT position of a IR lag sign
pt: in a lift off position
PT: manually lifts the arm off the back of the patients back and cues them to hold that position
what is a positive IR lag sign
pt is unable to hold testing position
what are the additional tests for full thickness RTC
1) drop arm
2) hornblowers sign
what is the pt and PT position of the drop arm test
pt: seated with arm passively abducted to 120
PT: instruct the pt to slowly lower the arm to the side. guard the arm for an unexpected drop
what is a positive drop arm sign
pt is unable to lower arm back down the the side
what does the hornblowers sign identify
lesions of the teres minor or the infra
what is the pt and PT position of the hornblowers sign
pt: abduction to 90 in the scapular pain with elbow flexed. Pt will externally rotate shoulder against resistance
what is a positive hornblowers sign
pt is unable to externally rotate in his position or the forearm drops
what are the ACJ cluster
1) Paxion sign (if positive do #2 if negative do #3)
2) Active compression test
3) Hawkins kennedy
pt and PT position for the Paxinos sign
pt: seated, arm relaxed at side
PT: places thumb under the posterior lateral aspect of the acromion and the index/ long fingers of the same hand over the middle part of the clavicle : pressure applied with thumb in an anterior superior direction and with fingers in an inferior direction
active compression pt and PT position
pt: sitting with arm in 90 degrees of flexion and with thumb down then thumb up
PT: apply a downward pressure
what is a positive active compression
symptoms resolve with ER (palm up)
what are the special tests for a SLAP tear
1) active compression
2) passive distraction (distraction with pronation)
3) biceps load 1
4) biceps load 2
5) anterior slide
6) crank test
7) yergasons
8) speeds
pt and PT postion for biceps load 1
pt: supine with arm abducted to 90 and full ER
PT: apply resistance at the elbow having the patient resist elbow flexion