Special senses Flashcards
What are the special senses?
Chemical senses- taste (gustation), smell (olfaction)
The ear- hearing, equilibrium
Where are the taste buds found?
Taste buds on the tongue are located on papillae
There are four types
What are taste buds made up of?
Taste receptor cells (gustatory cells)
Microvilli through pore, bathed in saliva
Dissolved molecules bind and induce receptor cells to generate impulses in sensory nerve fibres
What types of taste are there?
Sweet Sour Salty Bitter Umami- glutamate (MSG)
Which cranial nerves are involved in the taste pathway?
VII (Facial n.) – anterior 2/3 of tongue
IX (Glossopharyngeal n.) – posterior 1/3 tongue and pharynx
What is the olfactory epithelium in the roof of the mouth made up of?
Involved in the sense of smell
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Has millions of bipolar neurons- olfactory receptor cells
Only neurons undergoing replacement throughout adult life
How do we detect smell?
Olfactory cilia bind odour molecules
Mucus captures and dissolves odour molecules
Each receptor cell has an axon- bundled into filaments of olfactory nerve, enter olfactory bulb
Describe the function of the olfactory bulb
Olfactory bulb is in the forebrain
In bulb, nerves synapse with mitral cells (neurons in clusters of glomeruli)
Mitral cells send signals via olfactory tract
How does the brain recognise smell?
Approximately 1000 types of cell receptors
Convergence of many receptor cell signals onto one glomerulus registers a signature pattern
Brain recognises the pattern, sent to the olfactory area and limbic area
What is anosmia and what are the possible causes?
Absence of the sense of smell
Caused by: trauma, colds or allergies producing excessive mucus, polyps causing blockage, zinc deficiency, amiodarone use
What are the three parts of the ear?
Outer external ear Middle ear (ossicles for hearing) Inner ear (labyrinth) for hearing and equilibrium
Describe the function of the tympanic membrane and the ossicles
TM causes ossicles in air filled middle ear to move: malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), stapes (stirrup)
Ossicles form a lever system that amplifies and transmits the vibratory motion of the TM to fluids of inner ear cochlea via oval window
What three parts make up the inner ear?
Cochlea- hearing
Vestibule- equilibrium
Semicircular canals- equilibrium
Filled with perilymph and endolymph fluids
How does the spinal organ of corti assist in hearing?
Vibration of stirrup at oval window starts traveling waves displacing basilar membrane
Sensory hair cells stimulated
Nerve ending of cochlear nerve division of VIII (Vestibulo-cochlear n.)
What is the function of the semi-circular canals?
Each canal lies in one of the three planes of space
Sense rotational acceleration of the head
Duct with ampulla housing a small crest
Hairs project into jellylike cupula and basilar cells synapse with fibres of vestibular nerve