Special Senses Flashcards
Which of these correctly describes the pathway taste sensations would take, starting at the tongue?
CNs VII, IX, and X ➔ synapse in medulla ➔ synapse in thalamus ➔ primary sensory cortex
Visual information from the left half of the combined field of vision arrives at the _____.
visual cortex of the right occipital lobe
A loss of transparency in the _____ would result in _____.
lens; cataract
Why are rods best suited for night vision?
Rods have a low threshold for activation
What processes take place for the lens of your eye to become rounder to focus on nearby objects?
Ciliary muscles contract, which reduces tension on the suspensory ligaments.
Which of the following statements applies to a detached retina?
There is a separation between the neural part of the retina and the pigmented part.
b.To heal a detached retina, the detached layers need to be reattached or vision is lost.
c.It is possible to heal a detached retina, but frequently a person will experience permanent blind spots.
What is the role of the auditory ossicles in hearing?
They act as levers to conduct vibrations to the inner ear.
Vibration of the _____ is transmitted at the _____ to produce the sensation of sound.
stapes; oval window
The _________ is/are part of the bony labyrinth
Which of the following is part of the spiral organ (organ of Corti)?
Tectorial membrane
Where are the sensory receptors that respond to rotational movements of the head?
in the anterior, posterior, and lateral semicircular ducts
Which of the following is not a feature of the retina?
Optic chiasm
Which of the following statements correctly describes the location of rods and cones on the retina?
Cones are located at the center of the
retina, rods at the periphery.
Vitamin A is used to synthesize which component of rhodopsin?
At which interface in the human eye is refraction the greatest?
between air and the cornea