Special Population Considerations Flashcards
study of drug responses that may be unique to an individual owing social, cultural, and biologic phenomena
- occurs verbally and nonverbally
- when language is not understood use nonverbal, translators, and do not assume
americans often desire more personal space
major challenge for space concerns
- use of touch
- protection of modesty
- ask patient about preferences
social organization
- groups organized according to social order
- include family whenever appropriate
-perception of time is shaped by culture
more likely to discontinue mainstream prescriptive therapies when they feel well
future oriented
- western european descent
- lead to health practices to prevent illness
environmental control
concept of “nature”
- otherwordly beings (spirits)
- traditional healers
- spiritual advisors
biologic variations
- pharmacogenetics
- human genome project
- the genographic project
human genome project
international collaborative research program
the genographic project
general study of all different genes that determine drug behavior
- DNA testing on populations all over the world
- 99.9% humans are genetically identical
- suggests not multiple races, but multiple genotypes
complete set of chromosomes and make up a cell’s DNA
DNA variants that occur within a specific population at a frequency greater than 1%
substance that binds to & is metabolized by one or more enzymes
-drugs are chemical substances and a type of substrate
Drugs for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy
- FDA has approved one drug for morning sickness
- Doxylamine succinate & pyridoxine hydrochloride (Diclegis)
- ginger helps
drugs for pain in pregnancy
most commonly ingested nonprescription drug during pregnancy
drugs for heartburn in pregnancy
drugs for constipation in pregnancy
- metamucil
- docusate sodium
Pregnancy categories
A,B,C,D, and X
Pregnancy category A
no risk to fetus
Pregnancy category B
no risk in animal studies
-well controlled studies in pregnant women are not available
Pregnancy category C
- animal studies indicate a risk to the fetus
- Risk v. Benefit must be determined
Pregnancy category D
risk to human fetus has been proven
- risk v. benefit must be determined
- it could be used in life threatening situations
Pregnancy category X
risk to human fetus has been proven
-risk outweighs the benefit
most common indications for use of medications during pregnancy
- nutritional supplements with iron
- vitamins
- minerals