Special exam 2 Flashcards
INTERNATIONAL ONLY Under what circumstance would an overtaking vessel sound a whistle signal of two prolonged followed by one short blast?
When overtaking in a narrow channel
INTERNATIONAL ONLY When moving from a berth alongside a (quay) wharf, a vessel must sound:
BOTH What lights are required for a barge being towed alongside?
Sidelights and a sternlight
BOTH A vessel of less than 20-meters may display a basket as a dayshape when she is engaged in:
INLAND ONLY A towing vessel pushing ahead on the Western Rivers above the Huey P. Long bridge must show:
sidelights and towing lights
INTERNATIONAL ONLY You are on a vessel that cannot comply with the spacing requirement for masthead lights. What is required in this situation?
The vessel’s lights must comply as closely as possible as determined by her government.
INTERNATIONAL ONLY A single vessel being towed alongside shall show:
Sidelights and stern light
INLAND ONLY A vessel engaged in public safety ctivities may display an alternatively flashing red and yellow light. This special light may be used by a vessel engaged in:
Patroling a regatta
INLAND ONLY You are in a narrow channel, and you are being overtaken by a vessel astern. And the overtaking vessel sounds the proper signal indicating his intention to pass your vessel on your starboard side, you signal agreement by:
One short blast
INLAND ONLY At night a barge moored in a slip used primarily for mooring purposes shall have what lights?
Not required to be lighted
INTERNATIONAL ONLY A light used to signal passing intentions must be an:
All around white light only
INTERNATIONAL ONLY You are approaching another vessel and will pass safely starboard to starboard without changing course. You should:
Hold course and sound no whistle signal
INTERNATIONAL ONLY Your vessel is CBD and operating in a narrow channel. Another vessel is crossing your course from starboard to port. You are in doubt as to her intentions. According to Rule 9, you:
may sound the danger signal
INLAND ONLY You are underway in a narrow channel, and are being overtaken by another power-driven vessel. The overtaking vessel sounds the signal indicating his intention to pass you on your starboard side. You signal your agreement by sounding:
One short blast
INLAND ONLY You are meeting another vessel in inland waters, and she sounds one short blast on the whistle. This means that she:
intends to leave you on her port side
INLAND ONLY What is the required whistle signal for a pwer-driven vessel leaving a dock or berth?
One prolonged blast
INLAND ONLY A barge more than 50 meter long is required to show how many white anchor lights when anchored in a Secretary of Transportation approved special anchorage ares?
INLAND ONLY You are overtaking a power-driven vessel in a narrow channel and wish to leave her on your starboard side. You may:
Attempt to contact her on the radiotelephone to arrange the passage.
INLAND ONLY A power-driven vessel operating in a narrow channel with a following current on the Great Lakes or Western Rivers is meeting an upbound vessel. Which statement is true?
All of the above
INTERNATIONAL ONLY Which vessel is NOT restricted in her ability to manuever?
A CBD vessel
INTERNATIONAL ONLY If at night a vessel displays the all-around red lights in a vertical line, during the day may show:
A cylinder
INTERNATIONAL ONLY A 20-meter power-driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside will display: (lights)
Two masthead lights in a vertical line
INLAND ONLY Yellow lights are NOT used to identify:
Law enforcement vessels
BOTH What is the duration of a short blast?
1 second
BOTH A fog signal of one short, one prolonged, one short may be sounded by a vessel in what situation?
At anchor
BOTH You are approaching another vessel in a crossing course. She is about one mile distant and is on your starboard bow. You beleive she will cross ahead of you but she sounds a whistle of five short blasts. Which action should you take?
Make a large course change, and slow down if nessecary.
BOTH Two vessels are meeting head-on. How must the vessels pass?
Both vessels should alter course to starboard and pass port to port.
INTERNATIONAL ONLY When vessels are in sight of one another, what does two short blasts from one vessel mean?
I am altering my course to port.
INLAND ONLY The special light for a vessel engaged in public safety activities must meet which of the following requirements?
Not interfere with the visibility of the navigation lights.
BOTH What is required of a vessel navigating near an area of restricted visibility?
All of the above?
BOTH Risk of collision may exist _______.
All of the above
BOTH Which is true for barges being towed at night?
Must be lighted at all times
BOTH Which signal, other than a distress signal, can be used by a vessel to attract attention?
Searchlight beam
BOTH When is a vessel which is fishing, required to show sidelights and a sternlight?
When underway and making way
BOTH How long is a prolonged blast?
4 to 6 seconds
BOTH You are underway in restricted visability and hear a fog signal forward of the beam. Nothing appears on your radar. You must taken what action?
Slow to maintain steerageway
BOTH What does five or more short blasts on a vessels’s whistle indicate?
There is doubt that another vessel is taking sufficient action