Special Education PECT K-8 Module 2 Flashcards
A student with a learning disability has good oral reading fluency but is struggling when asked to read aloud in the general education classroom. What should the Special Education teacher do to advocate for this student?
Set up a meeting with the regular education teacher and discuss talking points with the student before the meeting
A student with a learning disability has good oral reading fluency but is struggling when asked to read aloud in the general education classroom. What should the Special Education teacher do to advocate for this student?
Don’t make the student read aloud
A team is creating a transition plan for a fourteen-year-old with an intellectual disability. What would be important to include in the transition plan?
A completed career interest survey
Special education students with mild intellectual disabilities are learning to independently cross the street. Once a student master crossing a crosswalk in front of the school, what is the next, logical step?
Take the student to a new crosswalk to see if he/she can apply the skill
Students in a life skills classroom are learning about money and shopping in a grocery store. What is the most appropriate option for increasing independence with this skill?
Enlist the help of a paraprofessional and take the students to the grocery store
Which of these settings would be the LRE for a child with a mild intellectual disability?
Working in the classroom with a paraeducator
What is an example of an ample learning environment for a student with an EBD (Emotional and Behavioral Disorder)?
Teaching in small bits and allowing for breaks
A group of students with EBD is working on social skills. A new ELL student just moved into the area. This student has a cultural difference and has trouble participating in small groups because the groups seem to be re-established. What should the Special Education teacher do?
Be more involved in selecting and directing groups for structured language experiences
A student has been diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and struggles with socialization skills and using greetings with others throughout the school. How can a Special Education teacher provide practice opportunities for the student?
Create a group of students that eat lunch together as the teacher mediates a discussion
A special education teacher has a small group of students in a resource room setting. The students have learned a new math skill in the regular education classroom and are working on the new skill in the resource room. What should the special education teacher be sure to do?
Monitor the students’ work closely so they don’t make mistakes while working and adjust instruction as necessary
What should a teacher do if he/she wants to have kindergartners understand print to text connection, oral awareness, and print awareness?
Give each student the name of another student in the class and have “find” one another
A special education teacher is using a semantic web to teach vocabulary. How will this assist his students?
making connections to other vocabulary and subjects
What skill are students practicing when a teacher sits behind the student and reads into his/her ear while trying to maintain the teacher’s pace?
What skills are students practicing when using a karaoke machine?
What is the best way to increase a student’s vocabulary?
teach them roots and affixes of the word
When selecting the vocabulary to review with a novel, what should you do?
teach the words that are pertinent to the understanding of the main idea and moral of the story
According to the rules of phonics, which words should be introduced first to students?
A fifth-grade student reads at a second-grade level, what is the best way to assist this student when writing a research paper using a scientific textbook?
modify the fifth-grade book
Why is a pictorial communication board (ACC) better than one with words?
allows for minimal recall
What is the best accommodation for a struggling reader who is stronger in math?
modify the reading (i.e. word problems on the math test)
A student with an EBD studied for a test and felt that he knew the material. When his test was returned, he discovered that he did poorly. How can the special education teacher support this student?
teach him study skills (i.e. making notecards)
When teaching rules and routines, what should a teacher do first?
determine which skills need to be taught
In ELL has strong skills with oral language in English. She also has strong reading and writing skills in her native language. When she produces written work it is not understandable to the reader. Why is this occurring?
she is in need of direct phonics instruction
The student is easily frustrated and continually becomes upset. An FBA is completed by the IEP team. During the next step of creating a BIP, what should be included?
steps that detail ways for students to calm down
What is receptive language?
the language a student takes in, or “receives.” Listening and reading are receptive language skills, while writing and speaking are expressive language skills.
What is a task analysis?
The process of breaking a skill into smaller, more manageable steps in order to teach the skill. As the smaller steps are mastered, the learner becomes increasingly independent in his or her ability to perform the larger skill.
What is structural analysis? How does it assist students with the reading process?
breaking apart a word to understand its meaning. this can be done syllabically (like with the word elephant) or morphemically (like the word reheat). used to help build vocabulary and comprehension skills.
What is a reinforcement schedule? What are the key elements in implementing a reinforcement schedule?
refers to a deliberate plan which determines when and how often reinforcement is given to a student for appropriate behavior. it is important to ensure that a reinforcement schedule can be used across a variety of situations and environments. it must be consistent. when first beginning a reinforcement schedule, it is important to reward/praise a student frequently. as time goes on, the teacher will begin to reward less frequently and increase the time between rewards.
What is a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)? What purpose does it serve?
conducted to discover when, where, and why a behavior is occurring
How does a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) accompany an FBA?
after determining when, where, and why a behavior occurs using an FBA, a BIP is agreed upon. it outlines the steps to decrease the behavior. it is a plan to help a child improve.
A student is having difficulty with procedures (i.e. raising her hand to ask a question) in the regular education setting. The special education teacher uses video monitoring to teach the student the procedures and increase her independence with these skills. What is special education focusing on?
self-advocacy skills. helping the student to be aware of what he or she needs to do in order to be successful.
Where should the teaching of new skills or the practicing of skills occur?
a structured environment
A student has strong oral language skills as an elementary student. What does this say about his/her future success in school?
there is a direct correlation between early vocabulary and oral language skills with reading comprehension and writing success.
What does EBD stand for?
Emotional Behavioral Disorder
What does RTii stand for?
Response to Instruction and Intervention
is a set of standards Define by the district, the local government of Education, or state
A target point for planning, teaching, and learning… end goal of curriculum and answers the question “What do we want students to take away from instruction?”
content standards
it is the bigger picture: it consists of standards that must be taught within the framework
is the order in which content is taught for Effective practices
Which of the following best describes scope?
the set of standards that must be taught within the framework
Which of the following is an example of an informal assessment?
Questioning a student to check for understanding
A teacher is given a class with six students who receive services for occupational therapy thirty minutes per week. The occupational therapist only has time during the classroom’s math block. How should the teacher plan for this situation?
The rest of the class should continue learning, but the whole group lesson should be postponed until the entire class is present
Is carefully planned and sequenced so that its lessons build on one another, moving from simple skills and concepts to more complex ones.
Systematic Instruction
The teacher clearly identifies the expectations for learning, highlights important details of the concepts or skills, provides precise instruction, and connects new learning to previously learned material
Explicit Instruction
what does BIP stand for?
behavior intervention plan
What type of instruction do many students exceptionally respond to with the greatest ease?
Emergent Curriculum
What are the characteristics of successful lectures?
Frequent breaks for activities
- Question and Answer
- Completing a task independently/with a partner
- Practice with the skill just learned
Where words are deleted from a passage and students must supply the missing words
cloze procedure
A preschool special education teacher has a class of four-year-old children. On the first day of school, the teacher announces to the class that the learning centers are open and assigns students to the centers in groups of three for the first rotation. After a short time, Dave moves from the painting center to the block center. The special education teacher approaches him and says, “This center is full Dave, you will need to wait for the time to switch.” Dave leaves and wanders around the room. When he sees that the children have to build a block tower, he runs over and knocks down the tower exclaiming, “I want a turn now!” Which of the following strategies would likely be most effective to support transitions for Dave?
Displaying a visual timer so children can see how long they have to wait for a learning center
A special education teacher is developing a plan to maximize opportunities for his students with ASD to interact positively with their peers in the general education setting. In creating this plan, it is important for the special education teacher to understand that:
Peer-to-peer interactions should be structured and facilitated to build reciprocal relationships
Amy is a 3rd-grade student with ASD in the general education classroom. She has difficulty with transitions and becomes agitated and yells at other students when there are changes to her routine. Which of the following strategies should the special education teacher recommend to address Amy’s difficulty with transitions?
Providing Amy with a daily visual schedule and reviewing the schedule with her throughout the day
A special education teacher instructs the children to slide a token into a box for each sound they hear in target words that she pronounces. This activity is designed primarily to support which of the following early literacy skills?
Phonemic awareness
What is Onset and Rime?
They are technical terms used to describe phonological units of a spoken syllable
A four-year-old child with ASD uses gestures and vocalizations to communicate his wants and needs but has not begun to use objects or symbols with communicative intent. The early childhood special education teacher wants to teach the child to use a visual communication device. As part of the lesson plan, the teacher prepared picture cards to represent the student’s favorite toys. Which of the following steps should the special educator take first to teach the student how to use the communication device?
Placing the student’s favorite toy in front of him buy out of reach, and when he indicates his desire to have the toy, taking his hand and pointing to the corresponding picture, saying the name of the toy, and then providing the toy.
Alex is a sixth-grade student with ASD. He struggles with interpreting nonverbal cues and has difficulty initiating and maintaining interactions with peers. The IEP team has identified as a goal for Alex to increase the frequency and length of his social interactions with peers. Which of the following teaching strategies would provide Alex with social skills instruction that is direct, systematic, and explicit?
Implementing video modeling strategies to teach target behaviors, including video self-modeling and video prompting.
The special education teacher is providing explicit instruction in solving algebraic equations to a small group of seventh-grade students with learning disabilities, including Mike, an ELL whose English proficiency was assessed at level 3-developing. Which of the following instructional strategies is most likely to align with PA’s English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) to support Mike’s language development?
Modeling for students how to explain their solution and the strategies used to a peer during independent practice
Kevin is 11 years old and has a moderate intellectual disability associated with down syndrome. He is in a general education 6th-grade class and is supported by a paraprofessional throughout the day. At the most recent IEP meeting, Kevin’s parents explained they are happy with Kevin’s placement but would like to see her become more involved with social and leisure activities. Which of the following steps should the special education teacher take first in support of this goal?
Giving Kevin a choice of two appropriate after-school activities that support her interests
Which of the following student activities would help promote self-regulation skills in a 5th grader with a moderate intellectual disability?
Using a daily check sheet to determine when a goal has been mastered and to ask for help when needed.
Sam is a Kindergarten student with developmental delays in language and motor development. The special education teacher has completed Sam’s basic reading inventory and determined that he has a weakness in phonemic awareness. Which of the following literacy strategies should Sam’s teacher use first to develop phonemic awareness?
Reading aloud and singing nursery rhymes and poems with the class while focusing on alliterations and rhyming words
Which of the following students is demonstrating characteristics most often associated with a pragmatic language disorder?
A 4th grade student who has difficulty understanding conversational turn-taking
Carol is a 5th-grade student who has been diagnosed with a specific learning disability in written expression. Her science teacher requires journal writing to demonstrate an understanding of concepts and ideas. Carol’s journal entries are usually one or two sentences that do not demonstrate a complete understanding. Which of the following instructional strategies would be most helpful to Carol?
Teaching Carol how to use a graphic organizer to guide his thinking and assist with writing
Which of the following reading comprehension strategies is facilitated by teaching students to annotate a text using sticky notes to indicate their “clicks” (places where the text makes sense) and their “clunks” (places where comprehension breaks down)?
In which of the following activities could a special education teacher most effectively integrate reading and writing instruction for students with learning disabilities?
Genre study
___ is an instructional activity that takes the form of a dialogue between teachers and students regarding segments of text for the purpose of constructing the meaning of text.
Reciprocal teaching
Which of the following instructional scaffolds would help support a student with short-term memory deficits in solving problems that involve adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators?
Cue cards