Specail Test Flashcards
Purpose: neuroma or stress fracture
Action: Client supine, therapist grasps the foot and squeezes metatarsal heads together.
Positive: Pain b/t bones= neuroma
Pain on bone= stress fracture
Morton’s test
Purpose: ruptured or torn ligaments
Action: client supine, foot relaxed and held in anatomical position. Talus tilted from side into ADDuction and ABDuction.
Positive: pain
- with adduction= calcaneofibular lig
- with abduction= deltoid lig
- with plantarflexion & adduction= anterior talofibular lig
Talar tilt test
Purpose: Achilles’ tendon Rupture
Action: Patient prone, while relaxed examiner squeezes calf mm
Positive: absence of plantar flexion when mm is squeezed and is indicative of Achilles’ tendon rupture
Thompson’s test
Purpose: medical meniscus pathology
Action: patient supine, examiner flexes knee. Then laterally rotates tibia & extends knee
Positive: pain & tenderness on medial joint line
Bragards Sign
Purpose: meniscus injury
Action: client supine, & knee flexed. Palpate jt. line and bring leg into extension & external rotation to test medial meniscus. Bring leg into extension & internal rotation to test lateral meniscus.
Positive: Snap or click & pain or locking
McMurray Test
Purpose: Test for edema
Action: Brush up medial side of knee, 3-4 times & down lateral side once.
Positive: Outpouching on medial side of knee
Brush test
Purpose: Anterior instability (ACL injury)
Action: client supine w/ involved leg beside therapist, hold knee b/t full extension & 30 degrees. Grab femur w/ one hand & pull tibia toward w/ other hand
Positive: mushy or soft end feel when tibia is moved forward & disappearance of the infrapatellar tendon slope
Lachmans Test
Purpose: Anterior instability (ACL, capsule, MCL, ITB, oblique popliteal lig & actuate popliteus complex)
Action: Clients knee flexed to 90 degrees & hip flexed, therapist sits on foot. Therapist wraps hand around tibia & pulls tibia foward
Positive: tibia moving foward excessively (more than 6mm)
Anterior Drawer Test
Purpose: lateral instability (LCL)
Action: Therapist push knee laterally ankle stabilized. First done in extension & the w/ knee flexed to 20-30 degrees
Positive: excessive mov’t
-extension= injury to LCL, posterolateral capsule, actuate popliteus complex, biceps femoris tendon, PCL, ACL, lat gastroc, ITB
-flexion= injury to LCL, posterolateral capsule, actuate popliteus complex, ITB biceps femoris tendon
Varus Stress Test
Purpose: medial instability (MCL)
Action: Therapist pushes knee medically while ankle is stabilized in slight lat. rotation. Knee first in full extension and the slightly flexed to 20-30 degrees
Positive: Excessive mov’t
-extension= injury to MCL, post. Oblique lig, ACL PCL, semimembranosus
-Flexion= injury to MCL, post. Oblique lig, PCL, posteromedial capsule
Valgus stress test
Purpose: Test for swelling of knee
Action: w/ patients knee flexed or set ended examiner applies slight pressure over patella
Positive: floating patella should be felt
Ballotable Patella Test
Purpose: ligament injury
Action: Patient prone w/ knee flexed 90 degrees. Patients thigh anchored to table with examiners knee. Patient tibia is medically and laterally rotated combined with distraction.
Positive: Restriction, excessive mov’t, and discomfort
Apleys Distraction Test
Purpose: Determine if meniscus injury
Action: patient prone, knee flexed 90 degrees. Thigh anchored to table by examiners knee, patients tibia medically and laterally rotated combined with compression
Positive: restriction/ discomfort
Apleys compression test
Purpose: asses ITB or TFL for contracture or trochanteric bursitis
Action: Patient side lying, lower leg flexed at hip and knee for stability. Upper hip abducted and extended with knee flexed to 90 degrees. Examiner slowly lowers upper limb
Positive: leg remains abducted & does not fall or pain over greater trochanter
Obers test
Purpose: determine if leg length discrepancy is due to contracture in spine, pelvis, or lower limbs
Action: measure from xiphisternal or umbilicus to medial mallelous
Positive: if true leg length is normal but the umbilicus to medial malleolus measurement is different there is a functional discrepancy
Apparent or functional shortening test