spec points Flashcards
The conditions for zoonotic infectious diseases such as bird flu or rabies to establish and spread from animals to humans.
movement of animals is unrestricted by barriers like mountains
control of diseased domestic animals is unrestricted within a country
when there is prolonged exposure between animals and humans e.g poultry farms and avian flu
types of diffusion
physical factors affecting disease
water sources
one country which has experienced a natural hazard- implications this has on a disease
cholera in haiti
role that one NGO has played in dealing with a disease outbreak within one country at national and local level.
British red cross- haiti
Physical barriers that have effects on mitigation strategies and response efforts in dealing with diseases.
natural hazards
excess water
remoteness of communities
Mitigation strategies used by government and international agencies to combat global pandemics
covid- australia, brazil, who
Conservation issues relating to the international trade in medicinal
endangering species survival
erosion of genetic diversity
threats to the survival of natural ecosystems
Case study of the global impact of one pharmaceutical transnational
Glaxo Smith Kline
erradication strategies at a range of scales
grass roots- guinea worm in Ghana
top down national- malaria in Mauritius
top down global- small pox
Methods used to reconstruct past climate
marine and lake sediments
ice cores
tree rings
past climate to reveal periods of greenhouse and icehouse Earth
long term, 100 million year transition to colder global climate conditions
glaciation of Antarctica around 35 million years ago
quaternary glaciation
How natural forcing has driven climate change in the geological past
volcanic activity
continental drift
Milankovitch cycles
solar output
natural atmospheric greenhouse gases
Evidence the world has warmed since the late-19th century
increases in surface, atmospheric and oceanic temperatures
shrinking of valley glaciers and ice sheets
rising sea level
increasing atmospheric water vapour
decreasing snow cover and sea ice
Reasons why anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have increased since the pre-industrial era
Land use change
Standard of living changing
Population growth- EPQ knowledge
Demand for energy
Implications of climate change currently being experienced for people
and the environment
changes to ecosystems
extreme weather
summerset levels and eu heat wave
The vulnerability of people and the environment to the impacts of climate change
people who use meltwater for faming
costal residents
Mitigation strategies to cut global emissions of greenhouse gases
- energy efficiency and conservation
- fuel shifts and low-carbon energy sources
- carbon capture and storage
- forestry strategies
- geoengineering
Adaptation strategies to reduce the vulnerability of human populations at risk
homes, offices, cities, transport and economies
Effective implementation depends on policies and co-operation at all scales.
kyoto, paris
EU emissions Trading System (EUETS)
national- sweeden
sub national- cali