Speaking Theme 3 Answers In English Flashcards
1) Décris moi ton collège. Tu l’aimes? Comment était ton premier jour au collège?
My school is one of the best in the country and therefore it is hard work and only the most hard working are allowed. Personally, I find that the school is very tiring and demanding however, if you succeed it is very rewarding also. On my first day many of the teachers forgot my name, but I didn’t think it was a big problem.
2) What do you think of school uniform are you for or against?
I think that school uniform is important as it if part of your identity. By wearing school uniform it can make you feel like a family. Also, with school uniform, no one is bullied because of what they wear. I think that our school uniform is out dated and a little bit ugly however I am for school uniform.
3) Comment le système scolaire en France est-il différent?
In French Schools, there is no school uniform and students are allowed to express themselves by wearing their own clothes. However in English Schools, there is a school uniform which I find annoying. I think that the French system is much nicer than the English system and more generous.
4) Si tu étais le directeur, que changerais- tu au collège?
If I was headmaster, I would remove school uniform as it is ugly and doesn’t make me feel well in my skin. I would like to allow more school trips as they are, in my opinion, better for learning, and leaving school, when I was little, was very fun. We would have more sport lessons as we want people to do more to stay fit.
5) Comment serait ton collège idéal?
My ideal school would only be 4 days a week so that we can relax more than during a 5 day week. In my opinion, there would be no homework as when I have homework I will be often stressed. Finally there would be more lunch as when I was at primary school I was too short
6) Pour le futur, quels sont tes points forts/ fiable?
For the future, I am a hard worker and I enjoy speaking in public. When I was younger I was on the debate team for my school. However I have a weakness for heights and loneliness therefore I would like to work as part of a team and I will not work in the sky.
7) Quel métier t’intéresse?
My favourite subject in school is French, as it interests me and I like the teachers. I enjoy learning new languages and I hope to continue learning a language at university. Personally I think French is the best subject a because you age to learn a lot to succeed
8) Quel métier ne t’intéresse pas?
My least favourite subject in school is Latin as it doesn’t interest me And I was often bored in lessons. Last year many people disliked Latin and only a few had it for GCSE which shows this
9) Ou te vois tu dans 5 ans? Tu voudrais prendre quels À levels?
I don’t know where I will be in 5 years because last year I wanted to do something different compared to what I want to do now. I would like to take history religious studies and English because I like to write essays more than problem solving
10) Quest ce Que tu feras quand tu auras 18 ans?
When I am 18 years old, I believe that I will travel the world, by exploring cultures and countries it will allow me to learn more. However I would also like to relax after the A-Levels and by travelling I can do that and discover who I am.