Speaking Flashcards
Nice to meet u
De donde eres?
Where are you from
Soy de
I am from
Que tal?
How’s it going
Bien gracias
Good thanks
Y tu
And you
A Que te dedicas
What do you do for a living
Estudio/trabajo en
I study/work in
Tienes hermoso/hermosa
Do you have any brothers/sisters
Que te gusta hacer en tu tiempe libro
What do you do in your spare time
Qual es tu comida española favorita
What is your favourite Spanish food
Que opines de
What are your opinions on
Te gustaria salir a cenar un dia
Would you like to go for diner sometime
Como te va en
How are things going for you
Que haces
What do you do
Trabajo como
I work as a
Cuantos años tienes
How old are you
Tengo …… años
I am …. Years
Donde vives
Where do u live
Vivo en
I live in
Quieres tomar algo
Would you like something to drink.
Cual es tu nemero de telefono
What is your phone number
Tienes planes para hoy
Do you have plans for today
Donde esta el monumento de la giralda
Where is the monument of La giralda
Cual es tu pelicula favorito
What is your favourite film
Tienes alguna mascota
Do you have any pets
Que te gustaria hacer en españa
What would you like to do in Spain
Conoces algun lugar bueno para comer por aqui
Do you know any places around here good for good
Podria darme un reembolso partial
Could you give me a partial refund
Mala conexion WiFi
Poor WiFi connection
Ploblema con la habitacion
Issues with the room
No hay sufiente luz natural
Not enough natural light
I am
Tu eres
You are
El es
He is
We are
Ustedes son
You guys are
Ellos son
They are
Yo diria Que
I would say that