SPEA V336 Exam Flashcards
Phil Kutzko’s four aspects of a leader’s collaborative mindset provided in Linden.
- Long View
- Broad View (include all partners)
- Deep View (deep holistic approaches)
- Strategic View (build partnerships from within and without)
Why was it believed time was on the side of the alliance approach/model in the Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) case?
Because each campus would have to be part of an alliance to get NSW funding (requirement under the alliance model)
7 key collaborative factors
- Patterns have a shared, specific interest or purpose that they are committed to and (can’t) achieve on their own
- Partners want to pursue a collaborative now and are willing to contribute to the effort
- Appropriate people at the table
- Partners have an open, credible process
- Effort has a passionate champion with credibility and clout
- Partners have trusting relationships
- Partners use the skill collaborative
Of the 7 collaborative factors, which is argued to be most important/why?
Collab effort has a champion
- Strong, committed champion is usually able to help the group put the other factors into place.
5 qualities of collaborative leaders
- Feel driven to achieve the goal through collab with a measured ego
- Listen to understand others’ perspectives
- Look for win-win solutions to meet shared interests
- Use pull more than push
- Think strategically, connect the power to a larger purpose
2 components from Goleman that concern the ability to manage relationships with others
- Empathy
- Social-skill
5 Factors smart leaders pay attention to when desinging a game plan
- The specifics of culture
- Politics
- Timing
- The Stakeholders
- The relationships among the leaders and stakeholders
How are key stakeholders identified (Chrislip)
- The influence eachs stakeholder has on the issue at hand
- The stake each stakeholder has in the issue
3 aspects of the informal VCTP visit
- Health advocates learning problems tobacco farmers face first hand
- Series of roundtable discussions taking place with strong critcisms of eachother
- Four working groups –> ^funding in cooperative agents
9 Strateigies to gain commitment and a common direction
- Learn the ground truth together
- Bring resources
- Take 1st step
- Find a common challenge or enemy
- Use a skilful facilitator
- Widen the arena of engagement - bring in 3rd parties
- Be willing to try a different approach
- Describe the criteria any solution must meet
- Reframe the goal
What is described as one of the most significant aspects of culture
Group members’ fundamental assumption about how their organization works and about the environment that affects it
What skills are required to work with different cultures
- Patience and sleuth-like skills
- Genuine curiosity and humility desired
What did Neighbors’ staff conclude was one of the lesdsions learned with repsect to need identification and the value of facing an important challenge?
Important to be very careful in selected initial projects when identifying the common need when facing a common challenge
9 factors in planning/co-locating critical to success
- Look for partners with similar goals
- Complementary strengths
- Generate senior leadership support
- Have clear goals to understnad how and what co-locating will bring for everyone involved
- Learn from others who have co-located
- Create a governance structure
- Determine funding and how costs are shared
- Maintain continental communications during planning/moving phase
- Think of memorializing in a memo
Co-location risks
- Is there a good fit with respective cultures? Partners should share a sense of culture or values
- What info can/should partners share about customers? Determine whether info sharing is appropriate
- Do key stakeholders support change? Determine whats best for stakeholders
- Do agencies’ leaders work well together? Senior leaders at top of each agency should be committed to co-location and to select managers who support it
- Is loss of autonomy a concern? Must wonder if the co-location benefits are worth the loss of autonomy.
What 2 things help reduce barriers and spur creativity?
Proximity based barriers and spur creativity
Name and describe 2 types of evaluative info that should be gathered at the outset
- Degree to which network is satisfying its members’ value propositions
- Network flying blind if they don’t know about these propositions and how network is working to deliver them - Degree to which members are connecting with and relation to each other (network connectivity)
- Connections foundation of generative network
“What’s true in society is true in social impact networks” plastrik”
- What do they mean, what is intentionality employed, including the work of anticipating and managing.
Intentionality is to be employed, including work of anticipating and managing
2 entwined shifts that comprise a network’s evolutionary path
- Examples
- Shift of capability from connecting to alining and producing
- Shift of structure from single hub to many channels and multiple hubs and clusters are intertwined
- Aligning members involves hubs that help to bring nodes together around ideas and goals
Plastrik and raising members’ literacy
Helps to ensure that members who take governance roles will share a framework about how to conduct themselves
3 Factors that must be accommodated when managing the quality of a network’s planning processes
- Process should provide every network member with opportunities to contribute ideas and identify priorities for the network
- Process should identify and reflect on what’s been learned about operating the network effectively and support continuous improvement
- Notice surprises and don’t dismiss or suppress them
How does Taynor describ 3 accomodating factors for Lawrence CommunityWorks?
“We try to keep all our teams and committees loose and flexible… this creates space for experimentation and allows things to grow and also allows for things to go away when they aren’t useful anymore”
How does Johnson propose closing the digital divide can be accomplished?
Answer lies in the partnerships.
Both public and private sector must work together to equip workers with digital skills.
How does CFIR address lack of infrstrastructure in developing countries
- Work on establishing research labs for capacity building through collaboration and establishing tech based incubation centers
- Brings together an intl network of govs, leading companies, civil society and experts to co-design and pilot innovate police and gov frameworks.
What is the argument with repsect to ameliorating private troubles with gov interventions? (what role does market failure play in gov effectiveness?
- Breakdown of systems such as fam relationships that occur outside markets
- Low living standards that arise pricesely bc markets do function well and don’t reward individuals generously if they lack marketable talent
- Existence of discriminatipon against racial and other minorities
Geyer - what solution is argued to strengthen today’s workforce and reshape curricula for future students?
Partnerships with public and private orgs offer compelling solutions that both strengthen today’s workforce and reshape curricula for future students
Van Der Wal - What is claimed to be omnipresent with respect to the approach of public managers and their political masters in response to wicked problems (e.g. COVID)
Urge to:
- Simplify
- Reduce
- Monopolize
- Bureaucratize
these problems