SPD Flashcards
What are the downsides to creating a monoculture?
In general, creating a monoculture (having only one type) of building creates dull and predictable types of communities. For example, think of a typical suburban tract development consisting solely of housing, or an urban civic center filled with only public buildings. These types of communities are not 24-hour use spaces, and as such can attract crime, trash or worst of all, boredom.
Describe an ideal density
Community density should have a mix of building types, including housing, public space, shopping areas and school facilities. Such practices are often mentioned in New Urbanism, an approach calling for traditional town planning by combining mixed-use and high density to create livable spaces.
Why are lower density developments typically more expensive than higher density developments?
Density affects the cost of the development. Low density planning requires the infrastructure to be more spread out, less efficient and, therefore, more expensive. The number of people served by each foot of sewer pipe, utility line, roadway and street lamp is much lower, demanding more expense.
What is the difference between Net Density and Gross Density?
Net Density: this is the ratio of people to the land, but excludes the streets, which could total as much as 25 percent of the overall site.
Gross Density: this is the ratio of people to land, but includes everything, such as the streets, open spaces and parks. Since it is more accurate, gross density is found to be more useful in describing the density of the site.
Define typical densities found in American and European cities.
Typical European town: 30 people per acre.
Typical American city: 20 people per acre.
Efficient American suburb: 10 people per acre.
Sprawling American suburb: 2 people per acre.
Identify the following housing patterns: (include images)
Street Front, End-on, Court and Cluster.
What is a P.U.D.
Planned Unit Development (PUD): this is the legal term used to describe the cluster concept, and can be used for residential, commercial or industrial developments, making it broader it broader in scope than a simple residential cluster.
Name the three characteristics of a Planned Unit Development.
Large Scale: a PUD typically involves the development of a large project, such as an in tire block, neighborhood or town.
Mixed Use: unlike a residential development, a PUD usually involves a mix of building types and uses.
Done in Phases: given the scale and scope of such developments, a PUD is often planned and built in phases, over an extended period of time. Changes may be made to future phases in response to evolving community needs, changing economic demands or new planning regulation.
Define Urban Renewal.
Urban Redevelopment / Renewal: referring to federally funded programs, these are a type of Planned Unit Development involving rehabilitating an existing (often urban) property.
A PUD typically refers to a new development.
What are the 5 different housing types?
Single Family, Duplex, Row House, Walk-up Apartment and High Rise Apartment.
In what ways does Kevin Lynch describe how people react to urban areas in his book “The Image of the City”
Urban Legibility - refers to how the parts of any city are recognized by your brain and organized into a pattern. This legibility is important since it orients us and helps us find our way.
Imageability - refers to how well a place is recognized and understandable, Well loved cities such as New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Rome or Paris would be considered highly imaginable given the way people understand and move through them.
What are the five features common to all cities according to “The Image of the City” by Kevin Lynch?
Paths, District, Edges, Nodes and Landmarks.
Name two site considerations in regards to architectural design.
The design requires an appropriate relationship between the structure and its site.
The design should respond to the natural characteristics of the site: its form, climate, solar orientation, natural vegetation, and existing structures.
The design should be placed in the landscape to be seen; conversely, views of the surrounding landscape should be visible from the building.
Describe three concerns regarding site functionality that an architect should address.
The design should serve the purpose it is intended to serve and function properly.
The design should express the purpose it serves.
The design should use an economy of means to achieve its purpose.
The design should utilize technologies ingeniously.
The design should utilize materials properly.
During programming, what aspects of spatial design should be taken into consideration?
The design must have a human scale, in both its material parts and its spaces, and in its interior and exterior. The design should utilize the familiar and commonplace building techniques of its locale.
The design should be graceful in shape and massing.
The design should exhibit a priority or hierarchy of parts.
The design should offer the human eye a visually rich and interesting field of view.
The design should establish a relationship between interior and exterior spaces.
Architects are required to conduct themselves in accordance with the moral code established in the Architect’s Practice Act. Name three moral values essential to well thought out design.
The design should have integrity, honesty, and wholeness throughout.
The design should be expressive of the human spirit.
The design should be regarded as an opportunity to demonstrate the basic principles of Architecture.
The design should have an encompassing physical design concept.
The design should be a physical place or spatial forum that encourages human contact.
The design should be a space in which activity, interaction, and accomplishments take place.
Architectural space, therefore, facilitates a broad range of human activities; it does not prescribe or limit them.