Word most associated w spastic dysarthria
damage to the ___ causes spastic dysarthria
bilateral upper motor lesion
characteristics of spastic dysarthria
imprecise articulation, mono pitch mono loudness, poor prosody, stuff muscles
descending motor tracts
neural pathways that carry motor impulses from the cortex to the brain stem
role of pyramidal system
carries impules that control fine motor movement, works at a conscious level, direct activation system, corticospinal and corticobulbar tracits, nerve fibers take a more direct path, muscle weakness and rapid fatigue
role of extrapyramidal system
carries impules that control postural support needed by fine motor, works at an unconscious level, indirect activation system, rubospinal tract, the recticulospinal tract, vestibulospinal, and tectospinal tract, orgin = brainstem, finally synapse w peripheral nerves, influences the reflexes, muscle tone, and voluntary in speech mechanisms
role of umn in spastic
bilateral damage to upper motor neurons of pyramidal and extrapyramidal system
pyramidal system and spastic
damage results in weak/slow skilled movements
extrapyramidal system and spastic
damage results in weakness, increased muscle tone, abnormal reflexes
significance of bilateral damage
damage must be bilateral, results in combination of what would be expected if each system damaged unilaterally
causes of spastic dysarthria
stroke, degenerative diseases, traumatic head injury, infections of brain tissue, tumors
stroke and spastic
most common cause, results in spastic when two or more cerebral strokes occur, or when 1 brainstem stroke
amytrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
degenerative, neurological disease, causes spastic dysartrhia when umn involvement is predominant
traumatic head injury
stretched and torn axons, lacerated brain tissue, and blood vessels, can produce widespread injury to the brain, causing bilateral damage in extrapyramidal systems
multiple sclerosis
immunlogic disorder resulting in inflammation or complete desctruction of myelin sheath covering axons, w bilateral involement of upper motor neurons causes spastic
other causes of spastic dysarthria
brainstem tumor, cerebral anoxia, viral infection, bacterial infection
speech characteristics of spastic
spasticity, slowness, weakness in vocal tact
which speech mechanisms are affected the most
articulation, phonation, resonance, prosody
imprecise consonant production, vowel distortions, tongue height and placement
harsh, strained, strangled, low pitch
hypernasality, incomplete velopharyngeal closuer, not as severe w flaccid
monopitch, monoloudness, short phrases
not as strong of an indicator
additonal charactertics of spastic
PBA= uncontrollable laughing, affecting neurons of brainstem, caused by damage to part of the brain. and DROOLING. causing the individual conscously swallow and theres medicine to reduce this
key evaluation tasks for spastic
conversational speech and reading, amr, vowel prolongatino
treatment characteristics to remember when treating spastic dysarthria
patient specific, target phonation, articulation, prosody, resonance
head and neck relaxation, head rolls, easy onset of phonation, yawn-sigh
symtpoms of articulation deficits
weakness, reduced speed of movement, reduced range of movement,imprecise consonant production
treatment of articulation deficits
stretching exercises (tongue stretching-lip stretching) and traditional articulation exercises
traditional articulation treatments
concentrate on increasing patient awareness of articulation errors and phoneme productions,
-intelligibility drills, phonetic placement, exaggerating consonants, contrast drills
treatment of prosody deficits
(activties that help patient regain vocal-tract flexibility needed to vary pitch and loudness)
-pitch range exercises, intonation profiles, contrastive stress drills, chunking
treatment of resonance deficits
hypernasaility, surgical and prosthetic treatments, behavioral based treatments
surgical and prostetic treatments
pharyngeal flap procedure, teflon injections, palatal lift
behavioral based treatments
visual feedback, reduced rate of speech, increase loudness