Spás Agus Jeaic Ar Scoil Flashcards
Author of Spás
Mícheal Ó Ruairc
Author Jeaic ar scoil
Daireann Ní Chinnéide
Translate: her baby brother, Peter, was born a couple of months ago
Rugadh a deartháir óg Peadar cúpla mi ó shin.
Translate: and feels that she has no space in her life
agus mothaíonn bhfuil Ní spás aici ina saol
Small description on the start of spas
(This is a short story about a teenager named Pádraigin. Her younger brother, Pedar, was born a few months ago and she has no space in the family and at home and at school and she thinks her parents are too strict)
Is gearrscéal é seo feo dhéagóir darb ainm Pádraigín. *rugadh a
Deartháir óg, Peadar, *cúpla mí ó shin agus mothúchán chuil *Níl aon spás aici sa teaghlach agus teach agus ar scoil agus ceap ann sí a tuismitheoir ró dháin
Do you like the story spas/ rate it out of ten
(I like spás because it is funny and interesting and I think I like it because I can relate to spas and o abrigan because I have a younger brother
Is maith liom spás mar is greannmhar é agus suimiúil agus ceapaim is maith liom mar is féidir liom baint an spas agus Pádraigín mar tá dearthair óige agam.
Theme of the poem , Jeaic ar scoil
(The theme of the poem is the mother’s love for the young son and going to school for the first time, we see both love and pride in the poem and those are the strongest emotions in the poem and the main theme in this poem.)
Is é téama an dáin na grá máthair don mach óg agus ag dul ar scoil don chéad uair, feicimid idir ghrá agus bhród sa dáin agus is iad do cheann sin na mothúchán is treisi sa dán agus an príomh téama sa dán seo.
About the image (Jeaic ar scoil)
(I drew the mom looking out the window at her son going to school for the first time because I think it shoes love for her son)
Tharrainge mé féachann a mhám air tríd an bhfuinneog ar mhac óg ag dul ar scoil ar chéid uair mar ceapaim go léiríonn sé seo a ghrá dá mhac óg
Impact the image has with the story
(The love the mother has for her son and hopes he is safe)
Is é grá na máthair dá mhac óg agus ba maith leis a bheith sa bhailte
Do you like the poem
(I like this poem..at first she creates many loving images for her own/describes getting ready and then prays for him to learn loads and in life )
Is maith liom mar an chaoi a léiríonn an file a grá dá Mac i dtús báire crústaíonn sí go leor íomhánna grámhara. Cuireann sí go ar iad ag déanamh réidh don lá scoile. Guíonn sí go bhfoghlaimeoidh sé go leor ar scoil agus sa saol, faoi grá a mhuintire mar sin is maith liom an dán.