SpanSen Adjectives - 24 Flashcards
We will not tolerate impulsive behaviors.
No toleraremos comportamientos impulsivos.
I am a fan of independent cinema.
Soy fan del cine independiente.
It is a childish dream to have a pony.
Tener un Pony es un sueno infantil.
I was naive to think he would help me
Fui ingenuo al pensar que me ayudaria.
You are being immature by not accepting your loss.
Estas siendo inmaduro al no aceptar tu perdida.
I was feeling restless before the exam.
Me sentia inquieto antes del examen.
You were tactless when you mentioned her mustache.
Fuiste un insensible cuando mencionaste su bigote.
My nephew is an intelligent child.
Mi sobrino en un nino inteligente.
Facebook was definitely a clever idea.
Facebook definitivamente fue una idea ingeniosa.
She has an interesting marketing campaign.
Ella tiene una interesante campana de marketing.