Spanish Words October 3 Flashcards
Problematic issue, issue
A problem has come up
Ha surgido una movida
Mess things up, Screw it up
Don’t screw it up
Meter la pata
no metas la pata porfa
Question of time.
How long have you been working there
Cuanto tiempo hace que trabajas allí
Ahi es un sito muy cerca
Parking. Parking Garage
Apart from, outside of (not aparte de)
Al margen de
See you later (not hasta luego)
Hasta ahora
Be still
Quieto. Estate quieto
Very close. Short distance
Muy poca distancia
Stiff. Stiff Muscles
Los Músculos agarrotados
Large Window, Picture Window
un Ventanal
I have to do something (not tengo que)
Me toca hacer algo
Computer crashed, froze
Se ha colgado
Gather, Compile, Collect
Gather together
It’s a good idea, advisable
Nos conviene
Es conveniente que Subjuntivo
More like
It’s more like a snack than a meal
It’s not a meal rather a snack
Es mas bien un picoteo que una comida
Happen very often ( no muy a menudo)
All the time
Cada dos por tres
To Soak or Drench
a rag
Un trapo
Narina, Fosa nosal