Spanish Verb Phrases Flashcards
English Verb Phrase
A verb phrase consists of a main verb alone, or a main verb plus any modal and/or auxiliary verbs. The main verb always comes last in the verb phrase:
Phrasal verbs in English are phrases made up of a verb and a preposition or adverb. They mean something different than the verb on its own. For example, “get up” means something very different than just “get” in English.
In Spanish, phrasal verbs are made up of a verb followed by one or more preposition (such as de, con, en and a). These verb/preposition combinations convey specific meanings. Without the preposition, the intended meaning of the sentence or phrase is lost.
contar (main verb) + con (preposition) = contar con (to count on, to rely on)
Puedes contar conmigo. (You can count on me.)
Another example is tratar de. By itself, tratar means “to treat.” But when combined with the preposition de, it means something else:
tratar + de = tratar de (to try)
Traté de abrir la puerta pero estaba cerrada. (I tried to open the door but it was locked.)
Tener: to have
¿Tienes ganas de bailar?»_space;
Tener + ganas de + infinitivo»_space;
Conjugate tener, add “ganas de” and the infinitive of the action verb.
Note: The verb “ganar” means to earn, to win, or to gain. Joined with the verb “tener” it means to feel like.
Tener ganas de: to want to, to feel like
Do you feel like dancing?
to feel like (doing) …
Tengo ganas de ir al parque.
I feel like going to the park.
Acabar + de + infinitive = to have just (verb in preterite)
‘Just’ here means very recently in the past.
Por ejemplo:
Acabo de ir al cine. -
Acabas de hacer la tarea -
I have just gone to the movies.
You just have done the homework.
Tener que + infinitive—To have to do something
Simply conjugate tener, add que, and then add the infinitive of what has to be done.
Tengo que limpiar mi dormitorio.
Maribel tiene que salir para escuela.
I have to clean my room.
Maribel has to leave for school.
Hay que+ infinitive–It is obligatory to do something
“Hay que” is used for impersonal expressions whereas “Tener que” always has a subject.
This verb phrase is similar to the above. However, you don’t have to conjugate hay.
Por ejemplo:
Juan tiene una prueba de ingles el viernes. Él tiene que estudiar.
No es fácil aprender el ingles. Hay que estudiar mucho.
Juan has a quiz in English on Friday. He has to study.
It isn’t easy to learn English. It is necessary to study a lot.
Ir a + infinitive–To be going to do something
This verb phrase is used to say that someone is going to do something in the future. It is often used as an alternative to the future tense.
Voy a viajar en México.
Vamos a estudiar por el examen en ingles.
I am going to Vacation in Mexico OR I will vacation in Mexico. (same thing).
We are going to study for our English exam.
estar al corriente de
to be up to date on..
costar trabajo
to be difficult
echarse a to begin to, start suddenly to
Me eché a reír cuando escuché su chiste. (I burst out laughing when I heard his joke.)
dejar de to fail to, to stop, to neglect to
¡Deja de hacer ruido! Estoy estudiando. (Stop making noise! I’m studying.)
tener vergüenza
to be ashamed of
tener suerte
to be lucky
tener sueño
to be sleepy
tener razón
to be right, correct
tener celos (de)
to be jealous (of)
tener que ver con
to have to do with, be related to
tener prisa
to be in a hurry
tener presente
to be in mind
tener por
to consider to be, take for
tener miedo (de)
to be afraid (of)
tener mala cara
to look bad
tener lugar
to take place
tener gracia
to be funny
tener ganas de
to feel like, be in the mood for
tener en cuenta
to have in mind
tener éxito
to be succesful
tener cuidado
to be careful
estar de viaje
to be traveling
estar de vuelta
to be back, have returned
estar de mal humor
be in a bad mood
estar de buen humor
be in a good mood
estar de acuerdo
to agree
estar de + [ profession]
to be working as [profession]
to be agreement with
estar de conforme con
to be right at home with
estar como el pez en el agua
es decir
that is to say
estar en buenas condiciones
to be in good shape
public opinion
el que dirán
echar abajo
to demolish, overthrow
hace + [amount of time] +que
[amount of time] ago
hacer caer
to knock over
hacer caso de
to pay attention to
hacer cola
to stand in line
hacer daño (a)
to harm someone or something
ir a pie
to walk, go on foot
ir de mal en peor
to go from bad to worse
ir de juerga
to go out partying
ir de compras
to go shopping
hacer falta
to need
haber de + [infinitive]
To have to, be supposed to
echar a perder
To ruin, spoil
echarse una siesta
to take a nap
echar a + [infinitive]
to start to [do something]
echar la culpa (a)
to blame
dicho de otra manera
in other words
echar de menos
to miss ( a person)
hay que + [infinitive]
it is necessary to, one must
hacer una pregunta
to ask a question
hacer las paces (con)
to make peace (with)
haacer las maletas
to pack (bags)
hacer juego
to match
hacer el papel de (alguien)
To play the role of (someone)
de veras
really, truly
estar hecho una sopa
to be soaked
estar hecho polvo
to be worn out
estar fuera de sí
to be beside oneself
estar en malas condiciones
to be in bad shape
estar en las nubes
to daydream
desde hace + [amount of time]
since [amount of time]
dejar caer
To drop (an object)
darse por vencido
to give up, acknowledge defeat
darse cuenta de
to realize
dar vueltas a (algo)
to think (something) over
dar voces
to shout
dar una vuelta
to take a walk, ride
dar una mano
to lend a hand
dar un paso
to take a step
dar un paseo
to take
dar por
to consider, regard, assume
dar pena a
to aggrieve
dar lo mismo
to make no difference
dar las gracias a
to thank (someone)
dar la hora
to give the time, to strike the hour
dar la espalda
to turn one’s back
dar la bienvenida
to welcome (someone)
dar en
to hit , strike
dar de comer
to feed (someone)
dar de beber
to give a drink to
dar contra
to knock against, to hit
dar con
to meet, run into, hit on
dar asco
to disgust, revolt
dar a conocer
to make known
dar a
to face, be facing
querer decir
to mean
quedarse con (algo)
to keep (something)
quedarse cojo
to go lame
quedarse ciego
to go blind
quedarle mal
to fit badly (clothes)
quedarle bien
to fit well (clothes)
quedar sin hacer
to remain undone
quedar de pie
to remain standing
quedar con (alguien)
to make a date with (someone)
oír hablar de
to hear about, hear of
oír decir que
To hear (it said) that
llevar bien con
to get along well with
llevar mal con
to get along badly with
llevar a (algo)
to lead to ( something)
llevar + [ amount of time ]
to take [amount of time]
levantar pesas
to lift weights
poner en marcha
to start
ponerse de pie
to stand up
ponerse a + [infinitive]
to begin to do [something]
ponerse + [adjective]
to become [adjective]
poner manos a la obra
to get to work
poner las cosas en claro
to clear things up
poner la mesa
to set the table
poner en movimiento
to set in motion
poner en duda
to call into question
poner en apuros
to put in a jam
poner al día
to bring (someone) up to date
poner al corriente
to inform
venga lo que venga
come what may
tomarle el pelo
to pull someone’s leg
tomar en serio
to talk seriously
tomar al pie de la letra
to take life literally
tomar a pecho
to take to heart
salir mal
to fail
salir con la suya
to get one’s way
salir con (alguien)
to go out with (the person)
salir bien
to succeed