Spanish Subjunctive Flashcards
Learn the Spanish subjunctive mood through examples
I doubt that it will turn out well
Dudo que salga bien
He denied that he had a sexual relationship with her
Negó que haya tenido relaciones sexuales con ella
I don’t think he is very good
No creo que él sea muy bien
I think he is very good
Creo que es muy bien (indicative)
I think that he is not very good
Creo que no es muy bien (indicative)
I am not sure it works
No estoy seguro que funcione
I am not sure it worked
No estoy seguro que funcionara
I am not sure it has worked
No estoy seguro que haya funcionado
I am sure it has not worked
Estoy seguro que no ha funcionado (ind.)
I don’t think that he is going to go see the Mona Lisa
Yo no pienso que él vaya a ver la Mona Lisa
I order you to bring it to me now
Te ordeno que me lo traigas
I told you to eat the fish
Te dije que comieras el pescado
I said to you that you were eating the fish
Te dije que estabas comiendo el pescado.
I don’t want you to go now
No quiero que te vayas ahora
He didn’t want you to stay
No queria que te quedaras
You made her cry
La hiciste llorar
Can you check that he is eats it
Puedes comprobar que se lo coma todo
Are you suggesting I leave my job?
¿Estás sugiriendo que deje mi trabajo?
He recommended that you knew the truth
Recomendó que supieras la verdad.
They recommend that you drive more slowly. They were recommending that you drove more slowly. They recommended that you drove more slowly.
Te recomiendan que manejes más despacio. Te estaban recomiendo que manejaras mas despacio. Te recomendieron que hubieras manejado mas despacio.
It makes me happy that you worked so hard
Me alegra que hayas trabajado tan duro.
Aren’t you glad that I am here
¿No te alegras de que esté aquí?
Didn’t it make you happy that I was here?
No te alegró que estuviera aca?
Did it anger you that he did not come?
Te enojó que no viniera?
It bothers me that he knows it all
Me molesta que lo sepa todo.
Sorry that you had to wait
Siento que tuvieras que esperar
I am sorry that he drove so bad
Lamento que manejara tan mal
It scares me that they drive too fast. It scared me that they have driven too fast. I was scared that they were driving too fast.
Me asusta que manejen demasiado rápido. Me asustó que hayan manejado demasiado rápido. Me asustaba que manejaran demasiado rápido.
Are you worried that you drive too slow?
¿Te preocupas que manejes demasiado lento?
Were you worried that you had driven too fast?
¿Estabas preocupado de haber conducido demasiado rápido? (Ind. - no doubt)
Were you worried that he was driving too slow?
¿Te preocupaba que él estuviera manejando demasiado lento?
Do you fear that you had eaten your last dinner?
¿Temes haber comido tu última cena? (Ind - same person is worrying as being worried about)
Do you fear that he had eaten his last dinner?
¿Temes que haya comido su última cena?
I wish to be taller
Deseo ser mas alto (Ind)
I wish that you were taller
Deseo que fueras mas alto
I hope that the bus arrives soon
Espero que el bus llegue pronto.
He hopes that he (himself) arrives soon
Espera que llega pronto
He hopes that he (another person) arrives soon
Espera que él llegue pronto
Do you insist that he goes?
¿Insistes en que se vaya?
Do you insist that you go?
¿Insistes en ir? (Ind)
I wouldn’t have done that
Yo no hubiera hecho eso
I wished to be rich
Deseaba ser rico (ind)
I wished that she were rich
Deseaba que ella fuera rica
I was hoping that he had the money
Esperaba que él tuviera el dinero.
I prefer the red over the blue
Prefiero el rojo sobre el azul (ind)
I prefer that I fly in first class
Prefiero que vuele en primera clase
She prefers that I fly in tourist class
Ella prefiere que yo vuele en clase turista.
I preferred that she knew
Prefería que ella supiera
They asked me that I leave them food. They asked that I left them the food
Me pidieron que les deje comida. Me pidieron que les dejara comida.
They asked that I left them the food
Me pidieron que les dejara la comida.
Better that you go now
Más vale que te vayas ahora
It is advisable that you shut up
Es conviene que te calles.
If only I had gone home
Ojalá, yo hubiera ido a casa
It was important that we said that
Era importante que dijéramos eso.
It’s incredible what he did
Es increíble lo que hizo (ind)
It’s incredible that he talks so fast
Es increíble que hable tan rápido.
It seems unreal that he has died
Parece irreal que haya muerto
It seem impossible that they have gone
Parece imposible que se hayan ido.
It’s useless to drink so much
Es inútil beber tanto (ind)
It is useful that he has written that there
Es útil que haya escrito eso ahí
Provided that he comes early we can finish on time
Siempre que llegue temprano podamos terminar a tiempo.
As long as we have money we can go to the party
Con tal que tengamos dinero podemos ir a la fiesta
You can borrow it on condition that you bring it back
Puedes pedirlo prestado a condición de que lo devuelvas.
Unless you eat it we are not leaving
A menos que lo comas no nos vamos.
Until we have silence, I am not going to start
Hasta que tengamos silencio, no voy a empezar
While we wait here, let’s eat
Mientras esperamos (ind) aquí, comamos (sub)
In case we don’t see each other before I go …
En caso de que no nos veamos antes de irme …
As soon as you arrive, we leave
En cuanto que llegues, nos vamos.
When you get here, let’s eat
Cuando llegues aqui, comamos
When you get here, let’s eat
Cuando llegues aqui, comamos
Once you finish, I’ll let him know
Una vez que termines, se lo haré saber.
Each time you say his name it breaks my heart
Cada vez que dices su nombre me rompe el corazón (ind)
Each time it happened we got scared
Cada vez que sucedía nos asustábamos (ind because past)
Every time that you swear I am going to fine you 1 euro
Cada vez que maldigas te voy a multar 1 euro
Whenever you go there I will bring you back
Cada vez que vayas allí te llevaré de vuelta
Even though he came last I’m still happy
Aunque llegó último, todavía estoy feliz.
Even if he came last I would still be happy
Aunque él llegara último, todavía estaría feliz.
She talked to him in a way that made him angry
Ella le habló de una manera que lo hizo enojar. (Ind. Because in the past)
She will talk to him in a way to make him understand
Ella le hablará de una manera que lo haga entender.
We went as soon as he came
Fuimos tan pronto como él vino. (Ind because in past)
We will go as soon as he comes
Iremos en cuanto él venga
I waited until the bus came
Esperé hasta que llegó el autobus
Even if it is difficult, I am going to do it anyway
Aunque sea difícil, lo voy a hacer de todos modos.
Even if it were difficult I am going to do it anyway
Incluso si fuera difícil lo voy a hacer de todos modos.
Even though it is difficult I am going to do it anyway
Aunque es difícil lo voy a hacer de todas formas (ind. if definitely known to be difficult).
The boys were waiting until the bus arrived
Los chicos esperaban hasta que llegara el autobus.
The boys waited until the bus arrived
Los chicos esperaron hasta que llegó el autobús. (Ind. The bus definitely arrived)
The boys wait until the bus arrives
Los chicos esperan hasta que llegue el bus.
I go running whenever I can
Voy corriendo siempre que puedo (Ind. because running is a routine every time thing)
I am going to run when I can
Voy a correr cuando pueda
There is no one who can do it better than her
No hay nadie que pueda hacerlo mejor que ella.
There is nothing that tastes better than salted caramel ice cream
No hay nada que sepa mejor que el helado de caramelo salado.
There is nowhere that smells worse than my brother’s bedroom
No hay ningun sitio que huela peor que el dormitorio de mi hermano.
Whoever laughs last laughs longest
Quien ríe último ríe más tiempo (Ind. Because definite)
Whoever is the first to laugh, loses
Quien sea el primero en reírse, pierde.
Wherever I wander, there’s no place like home
Donde quiera que vaya yo, no hay lugar como el hogar
Whenever I question her she laughs
Siempre que la cuestiono ella se ríe. (Ind. because definite, no doubt)
Whenever you get here, ring the bell
Cuando llegues aca, toca el timbre
Whenever you sneeze, cover your mouth
Cuando estornudes, cubre la boca
No matter how often I tell him he never tidies up
No importa con qué frecuencia le diga, nunca arregla
No matter how difficult the question, he knows the answer
No importa lo difícil que sea la pregunta, él sabe la respuesta.
No matter how hard I work, it is never enough
Por duro que trabaje, nunca es suficiente
Be that as it may …
Sea como fuere …
Let him be what he wants to be, let him eat what he wants to eat, do what he wants to do
Deja que sea lo que quiere ser, que coma lo que quiere comer, que haga lo que quiere hacer.
Whatever happens, I will be here for you
Pase lo que pase, voy a estar aca para vos.
No matter what it takes
Costara lo que costase
Wherever you go
Vayas donde vayas
Whoever he is
Quienquiera que sea
Be that as it may
Sea como fuere
Whatever it is
Sea lo que sea
Whatever they eat
Coman lo que coman
Maybe they’ll fly there
Puede ser que volen allí (fantastical or unlikely e.g. pigs flying)
Puede ser que vuelan allí (indicative … Likely but uncertain e.g. the tourists flying)
Not that I remember
No que yo recuerde
Not that I know
No que yo sepa
As far as I know
Por lo que yo sé (ind)