Spanish speaking EOY Flashcards
To achieve at least a grade 6
I don’t understand
No entiendo
Can you repeat that again please?
Puede usted repitir eso por favour
Cual es tu ciudad favourita, por que te gusta?
Which is your favourite city and why do you like it?
Describe tu ciudad?
Describe your city?
Que es major vivir en la ciudad o en campo, por que?
What is the best place to live, in the city or in the countryside, why?
Que se puede hacer las turistas en tu zona?
What can tourists do in your area?
Que hiciste el fin de semana pasado en tu zona?
What did you do last weekend in your area?
Como cambiarias tu zona?
What would you change about your area?
Que haras en tu ciudad este fin de semana si hace buen tiempo? Y si hace mal tiempo?
What can you do in your city at the weekend if it is good weather? And if the weather is bad?
Donde te gusta comprar por que?
Where do you like to shop and why?
Adonde fuiste de compras la ultima vez y que compraste?
Where did you go shopping last time and what did you buy?
Describe une visita que hiciste a una ciudad (en Gran Bretana o en otro pais) ?
Describe a visit you made to a city (in Great Britain or in another country)
Que te gusta comer por que?
What do you like to eat and why?
Has probado comida espanola, te gusta, por que (no) ?
have you tried Spanish food, do you like it and why, why not?
Pefieres cenar en casa o en restaurant, por que?
Do you prefer to eat tea at home or a restaurant, why?