Spanish Sentences Flashcards
“I should have known.”
“Tenía que haberlo sabido.”
“The car was moving at a low speed, which allowed us to fully appreciate the landscape that could be seen from the interior of our vehicle.”
“El coche avanzaba a escasa velocidad, lo que nos permitía apreciar plenamente el paisaje que se divisaba desde el interior del nuestro vehículo.”
“I would be grateful if you would reply as soon as possible.”
“Le agradecería (que) me respondiera a la mayor brevedad posible”
“However stupid he is, he should understand that one shouldn’t behave like that.”
“Por muy tonto que sea, debe comprender que no hay que comportarse de tal manera.”
“A polyglot congress is a sort of meeting where people who like languages go.”
“Un congreso de políglotas es una especie de reunión a la que va gente a la que le gustan los idiomas.”
“Okay grandma, I promise that if I meet a Swedish man whose name is Olof and spent summers in Roquetes de Mar when he was young that I’ll say hi to him.”
“Vale, abuela, te prometo que si conozco a un sueco que se llame Olof y que veraneara en Roquetes de Mar cuando era pequeño le daré recuerdos de tu parte.”
“If there was something to worry about, they would have told us.”
“Si hubiera algo de preocuparnos, ya nos lo hubieran dicho.”
“No, it’s not that it doesn’t affect me but I believe that the city should be more passable and a more habitable.”
“No, no es que no me afecte pero creo que la ciudad tiene que ser transitable y más habitable.”
“This small experience of someone correcting you will make you remember it better.”
“Esa pequeña experiencia de que alguien te corrige va a hacer que recuerdes más.”
“The thing you didn’t want was to be surrounded by people who didn’t speak Spanish as their native language because it’d be easy to end up all speaking in English.”
“Claro, tú lo que no querías era estar rodeado de gente que no hablara español como lengua nativa porque sería muy fácil que acabaran todos hablando en inglés.”
“I am in favor of new companies establishing themselves in our city.”
“Estoy a favor de que las nuevas empresas se establezcan en nuestra ciudad.”
“Everything that is worth doing requires more effort than what you imagine in the beginning.”
“Todo lo que merece la pena requiere más esfuerzo del que imaginas al principio.”