Spanish Sentences Flashcards
Tenemos que soñar con un futuro mejor.
To dream….about/of
We have to dream of a better future
No puedo dejar de mirarte.
to Stop
I can’t stop looking at you.
Vas a volver a fumar?
to do again, to go back to something
Are you going to go back to smoking?
Acabar de….+infinitive
Acabo de llegar a la casa.
to have just done
I have just arrived at home.
Reírse…. de
Es importante reírse de uno mismo.
to laugh at
It is important to laugh at oneself.
Echar….a + infinitive
Ella va a echar llorar cuando vea esa película.
to start to/ to begin to
She is going to start to cry when she sees that movie.
Ponerse + adjective
Si no duermo bien, me pongo insoportable.
Mi hijo se pone feliz cuando nos visitan los abuelos.
To become….adjective (changes in mental, emotional, or physical state that is not long lasting.
If I don’t sleep well, I become unbearable.
My son gets happy when our grandparents visit us.
Volverse + adjective
Te has vuelto loca?
Durante los últimos años, mi primo se ha vuelto insoportable.
to become….. (radical mental or psychological change that conveys a gradual or irreversible change)
Have you gone mad?
In recent years, my cousin has become unbearable.
Hacerse + noun or adjective
El yerno de doña Lydia se ha hecho bailarín de tango.
Mi bisabuelo se hizo rico a pesar de haber salido de su patria sin un solo centavo.
to become…. ( a change that is done as result of ones efforts like changing a profession or political status)
Doña Lydia’s son-in-law has become a tango dancer.
Mi great-grandfather became wealthy despite having left his homeland without a cent.