Spanish Legal Terminology Flashcards
Legal meaning: Interest in property waiting to be claimed; not yet claimed by anyone
En español: pendiente, indeterminado
Premeditated; planned with malicious intent (Example: “malice aforethought” - a criminal act planned with malicious intent)
En español: premeditado, deliberado
A person who assists the primary criminal actor BEFORE or AFTER the primary felony is committed; typically, the person charged as an “accessory” was not present when the primary felony was committed.
En español: cómplice
accessory before the fact
a person who assisted the primary criminal before the primary felony was committed, typically by procuring supplies or enlisting others to assist.
En español: cómplice instigador
accessory after the fact
a person who is charged with assisting the primary criminal actor after the primary felony was committed (by concealing/destroying evidence, by helping with escape). A person charged as an “accessory after the fact” probably had no knowledge of the crime until after it was committed but decides, after learning about the crime, to help the primary criminal actor.
En español: encubridor
a person who is charged with helping the primary criminal actor to commit the felony; a person who is charged as an accomplice was usually present during the commission of the felony. (e.g. serving as the lookout, creating a distraction)
En español: cómplice
Defendant (criminal case)
En español: acusado
acquire title to
To gain title to real property
En español: adquirir título
In criminal trials: to find the defendant “not guilty”
En español: absolver
In a criminal trial, the result when the defendant is found not guilty.
En español: absolución
En español: aplazar, levantar (la sesión)
to put off the hearing or meeting to another day
aid and abet
En español: ayudar / facilitar e incitar
to knowingly assist, encourage, or urge on someone to commit a crime
En español: alias, nombre supuesto, conocido por otro nombre
En español: coartada, defensa
a defense to a criminal charge: evidence that shows that the accused person could not have committed the crime because the accused person was elsewhere when the crime occurred
En español: respuesta, contestación; contestación de la demanda
A formal response to a complaint (filed by the plaintiff to initiate a law suit) that is filed by the defendant. A complaint sets out each separate allegation upon which the plaintiff’s claim for relief is based; in the “answer”, the defendant responds to each allegation by either admitting or denying the allegation or by stating that he/she has insufficient knowledge of allegation to either admit or deny.
anti-injunction law
En español: ley contra interdictos judiciales
An injunction is an order issued by a court requiring the responding party to either DO or REFRAIN FROM DOING and certain act. I suspect and anti-injunction law would be a law that prohibits the court from issuing and injunction related to specific actions or specific circumstances.
En español: alimentos, pensión alimenticia
In a divorce action, monthly payment ordered to be made to a spouse (traditionally the wife) by the other spouse for the spouse’s support while the divorce is pending and after. Indiana is not an “alimony state”, so, under Indiana law (expect under specific circumstances), neither spouse is entitled to on-going financial support from the other spouse after the divorce is finalized.
En español: asignación
something set apart for a particular purpose
appeal (to)
En español: apelar
To file an appeal to the Court of Appeals or Supreme Court
En español: instrucción de cargos; acusación; proceso; denuncia; presentación al tribunal; lectura
de acusación, información de los cargos
In Indiana, we call this the “initial hearing;” the initial court appearance of a person who is charged with a crime during which the defendant is : (a) informed of the specifics charges filed against him, (b) informed of his constitutional rights, (c) entering an initial plea of “not guilty”
arrest warrant
En español: mandamiento de arresto; orden de arresto
In a criminal case, an order issued by a judge for a person who has been charged with a crime to be arrested; the order is issued after the judge reviews a “probable cause affidavit” and make a finding of “probable cause” to believe the person to be arrested has committed a crime.
attachment proceedings
En español: diligencia de embargo; secuestro
the seizure and taking into custody of the law of property of a party to a law suit, either to acquire jurisdiction, to secure possession of property which is in controversy or to create security for a debt which is in controversy. The judge issues a writ or order of attachment.
bind over for trial
En español: consignar para juicio
In some states, after arraignment, the defendant can request a “probable cause hearing” during which the prosecutor is required to present testimony or evidence to establish probable cause to believe that the defendant has committed a crime. When the judge finds that probable cause has been established, the defendant is “bound over for trial” — this means that the defendant can be held in custody or on bond while awaiting trial.
body attachment
En español: arresto (para obligar a comparecer a una persona citada como testigo)
This is type of arrest warrant that is issued in a civil case when a party has willfully refused to comply with a court order.