spanish higher/complex phrases Flashcards
I would like to start by saying that…
Quisiera empezar diciendo que…
to start off it would be important to say
Para empezar sería importante decir que..
the explanation is due to the fact that
La explicación es debida a que
several contributing factors explain this
Varios factores contribuyentes lo explican
for various reasons
para varias razones
considering the fact that
Tomando en cuenta el hecho de que
considering that
visto que
others consider that
Otros consideran que
people say that
se dice que
as i see it
desde mi punto de vista
for my part
de mi parte
it seems to me that
me parece que
i consider that
considero que
the thing that bothers me is
lo que me molesta es que
the thing that shocks me
Lo que me horroriza…
to be honest
para ser sincera
i think that
yo considero que
i have to admit that
debo admitir que
I am absolutely certain that
Estoy totalmente seguro de que
i have a feeling that
me da que
i have the feeling that
tengo la impresion de que
i suppose that
supongo que
as far as im concerned
por mi parte
as far as i know
Por lo que yo sé
to sum up
en resumen
all things considered
Tomando todo en cuenta
to finish I’d like to say that
Para terminar, me gustaría decir que
by chance
por casualidad
por eso
in case
por si acaso
the advantages outweigh the disadvantages
Pero las desventajas no superan los méritos.