Spanish Civil War Flashcards
How can you describe the ideology and policies of the Republicans?
- Anti-clerical, leftist leaning, socialist
How can you describe the ideology and policies of the Nationalists?
- Pro-monarchy, anti-communist
What were some of the characteristics of liberalism? [3]
- Emphasis on the freedom of the individual
- Minimal state interference in the economy
- Diplomacy rather than force
What were some of the characteristics of Nationalism? [3]
- Patriotism in a country
- State has rights over the individual
- Sometimes dislike of other countries/foreigners
What were some of the characteristics of Anarchism? [3]
- Political power gives economic control, which explains the subjugation of the working classes
- Promotes a society without authority or rules
- Radical anarchists call for violent revolution
What were some of the characteristics of Socialism? [3]
- More equal socio-economic system
- Gov’ takes control of key industries and taxes the rich to provide better living standard for all
- Government provides more support for the poor
How were economic problems a long term cause for the Spanish Civil War? [2]
- Widespread poverty and stark divisions between rich and poor led to frequent rioting and disturbances
- Low standards of living: unregulated working conditions, poor housing, limited welfare provision led to the outgrowth of radical political groups like anarchists and the growth of trade unionism.
How were political issues a long term cause for the Spanish Civil War? [2]
- The army retained a powerful position, had historically intervened in politics: unpopular, reputation for brutality, and paid for by heavy taxation.
- From 1871 Spain was a constitutional monarchy: High level of corruption, power controlled by wealthy oligarchs.
How were socio-political tension and divisions a long term cause for the Spanish Civil War? [3]
- There was a large number of political groups and factions.
- Regionalism: central state refused demands for autonomy from Catalan and Basque regions.
- The church used wealth and position to gain considerable influence in politics and society. Resented in many urban areas: dominated by aristocracy and wealthy elites.
What were the main long term causes for the Spanish Civil War?
Spain was affected by a combination of economic problems, political issues and divisions in society, which led to polarization and conflicting ideologies.
When was, and what were some of the successes of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera?
- 1923-30
- Oversaw a sustained period of economic growth due to large scale investment in infrastructure projects
- Facilitated a period of political stability
When was, and what were some of the failures of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera? [5]
- 1923-30
- Economic failures: effects of economic depression, forced to accept significant devaluation of the Peseta.
- Angered major groups:
- Opposed regional autonomy and reduced Catalan’s independence
- Censorship and promotion of the church in higher education alienated liberals and intellectuals
- Nationalists disappointed by his foreign policy, failure to extend Spain’s North African territories
How did reforms introduced by the Left Republic under Azana from 1931-33 contribute to growing unrest? [4]
- Unable to resolve economic issues and 1932 Agrarian Reform allowing redistribution of land from the Latifundias and the church threatened the right wing.
- Catalan autonomy (granted 1932) opposed by conservatives and right wing elements of the army.
- Military reform: from 1931 officers offered early retirement on full pay to reduce the size of the army. The gov’ inflamed opposition within the army by threatening compulsory retirement if there was a lack of volunteers.
- Slow pace of reform led to leftist uprisings.
What was the immediate cause for the Spanish Civil War in 1936?
- The failure of the military coup led by Generals Mola, Sanjurjo and Franco. The Left Republic able to launch a counter-assault that escalated into Civil War
- Failure due to to the Republic’s bedrock of support among industrial proletariat and agricultural peasantry.
- Result of various reforms, why Azana able to easily defeat the military revolt by Sanjurjo in 1932.
How did reforms of the Left Republic from 1931-33 provide it with a bedrock of support?
- 1932 Agrarian Reform allowed the state to confiscate and redistribute land from the Latifundias and the church to landless laborers
- Heavy investment into education. Built more than 7000 new schools.
- Religious freedom enshrined in the constitution: civil marriages were introduced and divorce legalized.
How was the polarization of left and right wing groups a cause for the Spanish Civil War?
- The overthrow of the reforming government of Azana (Left Republic) led to the creation of the more extreme Popular Front movement
- Azana tried to restore liberal reforms and release political prisoners. Anarchists openly recruited for militias and planned assassinations and bombings.
- The Popular Front’s overthrow of the conservative CEDA government of Gil-Robles produced a reactionary bloc called the National Front.
- The right wing began to fear a left wing revolution: Gil-Robles and military officers made plans for a coup
- Murder of popular CEDA leader Sotelo in 1936 a catalyst for the coup.
What were the causes for the Spanish Civil War?
- The failure of the military coup
- The polarization of left and right
- Failure of governments to fix social and economic problems.
- Long term socio-political and economic tensions > unrest and extremism.
What were the main events of the Spanish Civil War in 1936?
- Military coup
- Nationalists to establish a foothold in mainland Spain
- Aid and support sent to both sides.
What were the main events of the Spanish Civil War in 1937?
- Republicans able to keep hold over Madrid
- Republicans unable to regain Nationalist-controlled territories and take back cities despite heavy losses.
- Nationalists gain complete control of Northern Spain
What were the main events of the Spanish Civil War in 1938-39?
- Republicans severely weakened by failed attacks, erosion of men and resources
- Franco drove through Aragon and cut Republican territory in two. Arguably a turning point.
- Infighting between communist and anarchist troops allowed the Nationalists to take Madrid in March 1939
Why did the Nationalists win the war?
The nationalists were more politically unified, in a stronger economic position, and had superior military power.
What were some aspects of political unity as a key strength of the Nationalists during the war? [3]
- Supported by the church who opposed the left’s secular ideology.
- Franco merged the Falanage and Carlist parties to form a new party, the FET
- Unified command under Franco
What are some examples of economic advantages as a key strength of the Nationalists during the war? [3]
- Secured international credit, including $700 million from the US
- In Sep 1926 Nationalists had control of main food-producing areas
- Backed by business owners > could get credit to buy war supplies
What are some examples of economic disadvantages as a key weakness of the Republicans during the war?
- The NIC banned all arms sales to the Republic, so the USSR was the only country willing to trade with it.
- Inflation reached 300% whereas wages only rose 15%
What were some aspects of political unity as a key weakness of the Republicans during the war? [3]
- Regions of Catalonia, the Basque and Asturias were virtually independent
- Political division undermined Caballero’s authority
- Communists and socialists believed the ‘revolution’ should be postponed until the war was won, anarchists wanted to effectuate revolutionary policies.
- Infighting between communists and anarchists.
What support did Nazi Germany provide for the Nationalists? [4]
- Germany sent between 10 000 and 16 000 advisors, troops, pilots and communications experts in the Condor Legion.
- Comitted 540 Reichsmark to the war
- Facilitated an airlift to transport Franco’s Africanista forces across the Strait of Gibraltar > if not for this, the Republic may have been able to isolate rebel forces and stop the rebellion
- The Condor Legion played a pivotal role in the fall of Catalonia and surrendering of the Basque region.
What support did Fascist Italy provide for the Nationalists? [3]
- Sent between 70 000-75 000 troops in addition to planes, tanks and modern weapons
- Italian bombers of the Aviation Legionaria were critical in the bombardment of Madrid and other cites.
- Helped Nationalists take control of the Mediterranean and boosted morale.
What support did Portugal provide for the Nationalists? [2]
- 20 000 troops
- Its long term alliance with Britain meant that Britain was reluctant to counter its support for the Nationalists.
What does a historian have to say about foreign intervention in the Spanish Civil War?
Modern left-wing commentator T. Cavero:
“Franco won the war solely by the military help of Mussolini and Hitler and the political help of Neville Chamberlain”
What support did the USSR provide for the Republicans? [4]
- No Soviet troops sent, but the USSR committed 1000 aircraft and 750 T-26 tanks
- Soviets facilitated the creation of the International Brigades through Comintern
- Republic had to pay for Soviet assistance—in 1936 its entire gold reserves were shipped to the USSR
- Military assistant in Oct 36 prevented a quick Nationalist victory
What were some short term economic consequences of the Spanish Civil War? [3]
- 10-15% of Spain’s wealth had been destroyed
- High inflation, Spain had massive debts
- Per capita income was 28% lower in 1939 than 1935
What were some long term economic consequences of the Spanish Civil War? [3]
- Spain suffered famine in 1946 and industrial output was at a level below that of 1918
- Spain became less isolated during the Cold War
- Developed a powerful capitalist economy with reforms during the ’50s and ’60s.
What were some political consequences of the Spanish Civil War? [5]
- Franco emerged as Spain’s dictator
- Republican anti-clerical reforms repealed. F. Lennon: “the Catholic churched enjoyed a degree of state support that was much greater than at any time since the 18th century”
- The CNT and UGT were destroyed
- Suppression and removal of all political opposition led to a period of political stability
- The army lost its pre-eminence after Morocco gained independence in 1956
What were the international effects of the Spanish Civil War? [6]
- American foreign policy changed from one of neutrality to support: Franco seen as an ally against communism in the development of the Cold War
- First American grant to Spain in 1951 in return for usage of air bases
- Allowed Hitler to further his expansionist policies:
- Italy became weaker and more dependent on Germany. Absorbing Mussolini’s attention allowed Hitler to carry out annexation of Austria in 1938
- Fostered a new Soviet foreign policy, moving towards an alliance with Germany.
- AJP Taylor: Spanish Civil War “without significant effect” in causing WWII
What were the social effects of the Spanish Civil War?
- Huge limners of deaths: 100 000 Republicans, 70 000 Nationalists
- Estimated further 40 000- 200 000 killed during the period after the war, the “White Terror”.
- Half a million Spaniards, mainly intellectuals, fled the country.