Spanish Alphabet Consonants Part 1 Flashcards
B / V
the b in boat when they occur at the beginning of a breath
group, or following l, m, or n softer elsewhere, produced
through slightly opened lips
In Spanish, the b and v have the same sound. The sound of English v does not exist in Spanish.
baño, burro, embargo, alba, el vino, el voto, invierno, vamos
Cuba, la boca, Havana, la vaca
the c in cat before a, o, u, or before a consonant
the s in sail before e or i
camisa, color, concreto
centavo, cita, cinco
the ch in chum
chocolate, chorizo
two sounds:
the d in dog when it occurs
at the beginning of a breath
group, or following L or n the th in other elsewhere
donde, falda, conde
boda, poder, verdad, nada, cada, estudio
English f
futuro, fila, oficina
the g in game before a, o, u,
or before a consonant the h in hat before e or i
gato, gusto, grande
genio, generoso, gitano
hombre, hasta, hablar