Spanish A2 Unit 14: ¿Qué haces? Flashcards
What do you do? (What is your profession, work?)
¿Qué haces?
Tristan and Isolda; profound and intense
Tristán e Isolda; profundo e intenso
geography and history; proposals and ideas
geografía e historia; propuestas e ideas
Laos and Indonesia; with lemon and ice
Laos e Indonesia; con limón y hielo
this or that (other); pensions or hotels
este u otro; pensiones u hoteles
apartments or offices; yesterday or today
viviendas u oficinas; ayer u hoy
What is your profession? (What profession do you have?)
¿Qué profesión tienes?
I am [an] artist (m or f). My wife is [a] nurse.
Soy artista. Mi esposa es enfermera.
I (female) am going to be [a] doctor.
Voy a ser médica.
I (female) am a writer and a teacher (professor). My husband is a cook (chef).
Soy escritora y profesora. Mi esposo es cocinero.
I am a medical student (student of medicine).
Soy estudiante de medicina.
He is a journalist.
Él es periodista.
the poet (m and f).
el poeta, la poetisa
the language
el idioma
(review) Do (fam sing) the shopping.
Haz las compras.