SPANISH 101 NOTES Flashcards
The Magic Circle Recipe: ‘es necesario ir el domingo’; ‘no puedo hablar con Susana mañana’. This recipe is a ‘verb’ recipe. In order to make this recipe operational you have to know your part 1 phrases. . .
The ‘Hay’ Recipe: ‘hay toallas en el baño’; ‘¿hay un hotel?’ Remember that ‘hay’ translates both ‘there is’ and ‘there are’.
The ‘Dónde Está. . .?’ Recipe: This is a good recipe to know, especially if you’re a tourist traveling. Remember when you respond to ‘¿Dónde está. . .?’, you want to use ‘está + location’. . . ‘¿Dónde está una estación de servicio?’ A possible response could be ‘Está derecho en el Paseo de la Reforma’.
The ‘Tengo/Tiene’ Recipe: ‘Tengo una casa en Madrid’. ‘El hotel tiene un restaurante’. ‘¿Tiene usted un teléfono?’
This is a recipe of ‘possession’, and you’ll use it all the time.
The ‘Quiero/Quiere’ Recipe: When you find yourself in Spanish-speaking situations, there will be many times when you’ll want to ask, ‘Do you want. . .?’—’¿Quiere usted. . .?’ Because you’ll be using ‘¿Quiere usted. . .?’, you’ll want to get proficient in using it.