span iii - 10/02 Test Flashcards
includes gustar verbs, emotions, and indirect object pronouns. :-)
Expressions of doubt require _____? (indicative or subjunctive)
subjunctive (ex. no creer, dudar, no estar seguro/a de, etc.)
Expressions of certainty require ____? (indicative or subjunctive)
indicative (ex. creer, estar seguro/a de, no dudar, pensar, etc.)
Of doubt and denial: first subject = ___ que second subject = ____?
indicative, subjunctive
No creer
to disbelieve
to doubt
No Estar Seguro/a
to be uncertain of
No Pensar
to not think
No es seguro/a
it’s not certain that…
to believe
Estar Seguro/a de
to be certain
No Dudar
to believe (not doubt)
to think
es cierto que
it’s certain that
alegrarse que
to be happy that
sentir (siento) que
to regret / to feel sorry that
very pleased
to be fascinated
to be attracted to
When the subject is plural and youre using a gustar verb, you ____
add an -n (ex. gustan, fascinan)
When the subject is singular and youre using a gustar verb, you ___
only drop the r (ex. gusta, fascina)
to bore
Indirect Object Pronouns include:
Yo - Me, Tù - Te, El/Ella - Le, Nosotros - Nos, Ellos/as - Les
Reflexive Pronouns include:
Yo - Me, Tù - Te, El/Ella - Se, Nosotros - Nos, Ellos/as - Se
Subjunctive Endings: -er/-ir
-a, -as, -a, -amos, -áis, -an
Subjunctive Endings: -ar verbs
-e, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, -en
Remember!: -car, -gar, and -zar
-qu, gu, and -c
to hope
to hope (if Allah wishes)