Space: The Solar System Flashcards
What is Apogee?
The point in the orbit of the moon or a satellite at which it is furthest from the Earth
When and what is the Autumnal equinox?
On September 22nd, where day and night are roughly equal length
What shape is the Earth and what causes it?
Earth is an oblate spheroid. This is caused due to Earth being slightly heavier at the poles. If Earth were a perfect sphere the weight would be the same at any latitude.
What is Earth’s major energy source?
99% Solar Energy. The rest is 0.013% geothermal and 0.002% tidal.
How much energy is reflected back into space?
About 40% of incoming energy is reflected back into space
What is the evidence of Earth’s revolution?
What is the Foucault pendulum and what does it prove and how does it prove it?
A pendulum that detects the rotation of the Earth. Direction of the pendulum changes 11° every hour. Direction shift caused by Earth’s rotation.
What is a GPS?
Global Positioning System that has 27 satellites in space. Need 4 satellites to pinpoint a location on Earth.
What are the laws of Thermodynamics?
1st: Energy can not be created or destroyed, only changed from one form to another
2nd: Each change in the form of energy results in a loss of energy, usually as heat.
What are the 4 spheres that make up the Earth system?
Geosphere, Biosphere, Atmosphere, and Hydrosphere. Also learn how they interact with each other.
What is the geosphere?
The Earth itself. It includes the physical features that make up the planet. Includes the lithosphere, asthenosphere and mesosphere.
What is the Lithosphere?
The outer part of the geosphere. Part of the geosphere that interacts with the other spheres. Constantly changing.
What is the Hydrosphere?
All the water in the Earth system. 70% of Earth is covered in water with 97% being salty. Only about 0.5% is usable.
What is the atmosphere?
Layer of gas surrounding the Earth. About 78% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen. Areas of different pressures produce wind.
What is the Biosphere?
The living organisms on Earth.
What are Lunar Breccias and how are they formed?
Rocks made of angular fragments cemented together with fine materials. Formed from meteoroid impacts.
What are Lunar marias and why are they so dark?
Basins with solidified iron lava. Iron-rich composition of the surface are less reflective than highlands thus appear dark.
What are Lunar Rays and what causes them?
Bright streaks of splashed dust and shattered rock. Caused by meteoroid strikes.
What is Regolith?
Known as lunar soil but rather rocks, sand grains and fine rock dust, which contains no water or organic material.
What are mascons?
Areas of higher gravity (More mass concentrations) on the moon.
How many moon theories and which is accepted?
There are 4 major theories but only the impact theory is accepted
What is the Fission theory and is it true?
The theory that the moon was once a part of earth but was formed as a large chunk of Earth was flung from the planet. Not possible due to lack of energy and momentum.
What is the Co-Formation theory and is it true?
The formation of the moon and Earth occurred at about same time out of the rock debris ring that circled the sun. Not possible due to Earth having lots of iron but moon doesnt
What is the Capture theory and is it true?
The moon was a celestial body that was captured by Earth’s gravitational field. Not possible due to Earth having same isotope composition of lunar rocks.
What is the Impact theory and is it true?
Small planet-sized object struck during Earth’s formation. Impact shattered this object and sent debris into space forming the moon. Currently accepted moon formation theory.
What is parallax and what does it indicate?
Nearby stars appear to change position when compared to distant stars as the Earth moves in orbit. Indicates stars are stationary and do not move
What is Perigee?
The point in the orbit of the moon or a satellite at which it is nearest to the Earth
What is the Prime Meridian?
0° longitude and the reference for time zones
What is a solar eclipse and what are the types?
A solar eclipse is when the moon comes between the sun and the Earth and blocks some sunlight from reaching Earth. There are three types: Total, Partial and Annular
What is a total solar eclipse?
Moon is at perigee and both umbra and penumbra shadows reach Earth
What is a partial solar eclipse?
Moon is at perigee, only a part of the penumbra reaches Earth while umbra misses the Earth
What is an annular solar eclipse?
Moon is at apogee, the umbra fails to reach Earth, but the penumbra does.
What are the sources of early Earth’s heat?
Radioactive decay is the main source
Describe the speeds of Earth at different locations
Earth rotates fastest at the equator and slowest at the poles.
What and when is the summer solstice?
Occurs at June 21. It’s the longest day of the year in the N. Hemisphere. At the arctic circle(66.5°N), no darkness. Maximum tilt towards the sun, sunlight directly at the Tropic of Cancer (23.5° N).
What and when is the winter solstice?
Occurs at Dec 21. Shortest day of the year in N. Hemisphere. At the arctic circle(66.5°N), complete darkness. Maximum tilt toward the sun, sunlight directly at Tropic of Capricorn(23.5° S).
What and when is the Vernal equinox?
On Mar 21, where day and night are roughly equal time. Marks beginning of spring in N. Hemi. and beginning of autumn in S. Hemi.
What is a closed system?
Matter can not enter or leave the system but energy can
What is an open system?
Matter and energy can leave and enter
What is a tide?
The periodic rise and fall of the height of Earth’s oceans due to the moon’s gravitational pull
List the types of tides and how they occur
Spring Tides: Occur as the sun affects oceans and at full and new moons produce higher than normal tides. Resulting low tides are lower than normal
Neap Tides: Occur when the moon is at either first quarter moon or a third quarter moon
How does Carbon move in the Carbon cycle?
Carbon can move through the cycle through combustion, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, active volcanoes, dissolving CO2 in ocean and decaying organic matter.
How did meteoroid impacts on young Earth help form the Earth?
Meteorite impacts in weight of overlying materials, and decay of radioactive isotopes heated the Earth and help form its layers.
List the types of map projectors
Mercator projection, Gnomonic Projection and the Polyconic Projection
Define Mercator Projection and it’s advantages and disadvantages
A cylindrical projection as if a large paper was wrapped around the equator
Advantages: Shows almost the whole world and shows true directions as straight lines
Disadvantages: Severely distorts and widens areas near the poles
Define Gnomonic Projection and it’s advantages and disadvantages
A sheet of paper being laid on a point on the Earth such as a pole
Advantage: Shows the shortest distance
Disadvantages: Landmasses far from the centre point are distorted
Define Polyconic Projection and it’s advantages and disadvantages
A cone of paper is wrapped around the Earth
Advantages: Most landforms have their true shape
Disadvantages: The lines of latitude and longitude are curved slightly
Describe the water cycle and all it’s involved processes
The movement of water through the Earth. Rain falls (Precipitation) then runs down nearby mountains (Surface runoff) or goes straight to the ground (Ground water). Surface water either goes into rivers (Sub surface runoff) or goes through the plants where the water goes back into the atmosphere (Transpiration). Remaining water rolls of into he ocean (Acculmination) where it goes back into the ocean (Evaporation) and turns into a cloud (Condensation)
What do the rocks brought back form the moon tell us?
That the moon was a part of Earth
What are the three Kepler’s Laws?
1) All planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun at one focus
2) For equal time areas within the orbital path and the sun are equal
3) A planet’s orbital period squared is directly proportional to the cube of it’s orbital radius. K= Rcube/Tsquared
What was Tycho Brahe’s achievements?
He studied moons, planets and other celestial bodies without a telescope and contributed the best naked eye observations. Also he lost part of his nose in a duel when he was 20
What and where is the largest known volcano in the solar system?
Olympus Mons is located on Mars
What is special about Saturn’s moon Titan?
Saturn’s largest moon and 2nd largest in the solar system. Also has it’s own atmosphere.
Characteristics of Inner Planets
Closest to the sun. Smaller planets with rocky crusts. Have a dense mantle and very dense cores. Terrestrial planets
Characteristics of Outer Planets
Farthest from the sun. Gas giants much larger than Earth. Contains centers of hot Hydrogen and have ring systems. Jovian planets