Space definitions Flashcards
What is the scientific method?
Predict, Observe, Explain
The study of space
Celestial Object
A natural object which is located outside of the Earth’s atmosphere.
Differences between Universe and universe?
Universe- Whole universe
universe- known universe
U, u
*No center, center is earth
*Infinite size, has an edge (93 billion light years)
What are the three requirements of a planet?
- In orbit around a sun
- Is nearly round in shape
- Dominates its orbit
Solar system
A group of planets and other bodies that revolve around a star
A regular, repeating path that one celestial object takes around another one.
A system of millions/billionsof stars, together with gas and dust, held together bygravitationalattraction.
Temporary spots on the sun’s surface that appear darker than surrounding area
Solar flares
A brieferuptionof intense high-energy radiation from the sun’s surface, associated withsunspots
Dwarf planet
A celestial object with a nearly spherical orbit that doesn’t dominate its orbit
A small rocky Celestial object that orbits the Sun
Celestial bodies made up of rocks, dust and water ice that have large elliptical orbits
Light Year
A way to measure astronomical distance, equivalent to the distance light travels in one year
An enormous cloud of dust and gas occupying the space between stars and acting as a nursery for new stars
Red Giant
The result of a dwarf star running out of hydrogen and beginning to burn helium
White Dwarf
The result of when a dwarf star’s hydrogen and helium are both used up and the star collapses in on itself
When a supergiant runs out of hydrogen and helium, resulting in a huge explosion that lasts up to a month
Black hole
A cosmic body of extremely intense gravity from which even light cannot escape, found at the center of most galaxies.
Is a solar system or galaxy bigger?