SP Flashcards
What brings you in today?
Que le trae aqui hoy?
What is it that most worries you about your problem?
Que es lo que te preocupa mas de tu problema?
What do you think caused the problem?
Que piensa que ha causado el problema
Why do you think it is happening?
Por que piensa que esta pasando?
What does your family think caused the problem?
que creen sus familiares que esta causando tu problema?
What does your support system look like?
Sistema de apoyo; con quién va?
How is it going in that aspect?
Como le van en el aspecto…
Is there one type of support that may improve the problem?
Existe algun tipo de soporte que mejore su problema?
Are there things that worsen the issue?
Hay cosas que empeoran su problema?
What type of treatment, support, advice or healing have you sought out / received for the issue?
Que tipo de tratamiento, ayuda, consejo o curacion (healing) ha buscado para este problema?
What type of support do you think would be most useful in this moment?
Que tipo de ayuda crees que te seria mas util en este momento?
Do you have any concerns about the type of support you may receive?
Tiene alguna inquietud sobre el tipo de ayuda que podria recibir = concerns of help may receive
Has anything prevented you from getting the help you need?
Algo le ha imepedido obtener la ayuda que necesita = has anything prevented you from getting the help you need?
disproportionate health-related issues
Síntomas angustiantes relacionados con la salud = disproportionate health-related issues
difficulty falling and staying asleep
Dificultad para conciliar el sueño y quedarse dormida
exposure to trauma
Exposición al trauma
distorted sense of self
Sentido distorsionado de uno mismo
cross gender identification
Identificación cruzada de género
the extent of the situation
El alcance de la situación
upsetting images, thoughts, behaviors
Molestas (imagenes, pensamientos, comportamiento)
Do you have any support? And what happened?
Tiene alguien que se puede respaldar (support)? ; y eso, señora, que paso?
feeling out of control
Sentirse fuera de control
like nothing
Como nada
exposure to life threatening events
Exposición a eventos que amenazan la vida
extreme exposure
Exposición extrema
to feel remorse
Sentir remordimiento
time consuming
Pérdida de tiempo
persistent difficulty
Dificultad persistente
self-distructive behavior
Comportamiento autodestructivo
to get evicted
Ser desalogado
external reminders
Recordatorio external
repeated attempts
Intentos repetidos
one lives it
Uno la vive
across the lifespan
A lo largo de la vida
prolonged grief
Dolor prolongado
moving on
Hacia adelante
How has X impacted you regarding the aspects of developing/ maintaining relationships
Como ha impactado a usted X al aspecto de desarrollando o manteniendo relaciones
form of thinking
Forma de pensar
walk a straight road
Caminar por el camino erecto
coming back the same
Volviendo lo mismo
own blood
Propria sangre
for me..
En mi forma de persona
lived experiences
Experiencias vividas
Para adelante
customs, laws and differences in another country
costumbres, leyes, cosas distintas en otro país
it has to be
Se tiene que ser
How you lived it
Como usted lo vivió
X are part of life and things one has to learn
Son parte de la vida y cosas de una que tiene que aprender
Doesn’t know everything about what happened
No sabe todo el caso de lo que paso
appropriate modalities
modales apropiados
to decide to move forward
decide seguir adelante
Take care of ourselves
Cuidarnos a nosotros mismos
warrior/ fighter
un guerrero/ luchador
How has it been between you and your husband this week?
Como ha estado ud y su esposo esta semana?
living without control
viviendo con el descontrol
X doesn’t know how to express themself
X no sabe expresarse
I hope it gets better to navigate X
Espero que sea mejor para navegar eso
every one is in different stages of life
Cada una en su estapa distinto
If they have symptoms of depression; lack of motivation
Si tiene síntomas de deprivación; falta la motivación
more pronounced
Más pronunciado
coping skills
habilidades de afrontamiento
to cope
to burden
Cargar/ la carga
to trigger
A trigger- provocador / poner en acción
to witness
Para presenciar
to react
to argue
to jeopardize
Poner el peligro
to depend
to disgust
to bully
Acosar / es un bully
to detect
to attribute
to deliberate
to threaten
to purge
to disrupt
to interfere
to scar
to become shaky
Volverse tembloroso
to be isolated
Quedarse aislado
exposure to a traumatic or stressful event
Exposición a un evento traumático o estresante
to engage
to encourage
to realize
Darse cuenta
it will feel
Se va sentir
to involve
to achieve/ accomplish
to jump on it/ get on it
Meterse eso
to move forward
Salir adelante
was created
Fue creado
to demand
to advise
to feel like
Echarle ganas