SOWK 240 - Chp 12 Flashcards
Baby Boom Generation (#Boomers)
Refers to individuals born post- World War II (1946-1965) when there was a significant increase in births. The oldest baby boomers turned 65 in 2011
Activities of Daily Living
A term used in health care to refer to daily self-care activities such as feeding, bathing, dressing, and grooming
A form of stereotyping about older people that associates ageing with decline and results in exclusion and marginalization
Activity Theory
Proposes that positive ageing occurs when older adults stay active and maintain social connections
Successful Aging
Views positive ageing as the prevention of functional decline and engagement in meaningful activities
Selective Optimization with Compensation
A positive coping process of ageing
Traditional Developmental Psychology
Views ageing as one of a series of life stages with associated tasks
The power individuals have to act and make decisions
Life-course perspective
Views ageing as a process that spans the life course
Group of persons who were born at the same historical time and who experience particular social changes within a given culture in the same sequence and at the same age
Cumulative Advantage
The tendency of one’s social location to have an enduring and increasingly negative impact over the life course
Political Economy of Ageing
A theory that emphasizes the broad implications of political and economic forces that contribute to constructions of old age and ageing
Dependency Ratio
The ratio of retirees to the working-age population
Mandatory Retirement
A policy that forces workers to terminate employment based only on the criteria of age
Non-standard Employment
Refers to forms of employment that lack job stability, entitlement to fringe benefits, and pension security