Sources of wisdom and authority Flashcards
How is the Bible organised?
-Split into Old Testament and new testament
-The Christian Holy scripture
-old contains the 10 commandments, the original Hebrew Bible and the creation accounts.
New contents St Paul’s 13 letters, the 4 gospels and written after the life and death of Jesus.
What are protestant views on nature and authority of Bible?
-Bible has ultimate authority.
-Doctrine of Sola scripture and Sola Fide(faith and scripture alone)
-Bible is infallible word of God and we should not try to change it but be changed by it.
What is the history of protestantism?
Emerged from great schism from the Catholic Church and the Protestant reformation. Martin Luther was expelled from Cath church after challenging doctrines such as indulgences.
Martin Luther believes in salvation through faith rather than through corrupt institutions of the church.
What are protestant views on the church?
-Without the Bible, there is no church- the church is the creation of the word and not the other way round.
-The Bible is the sole judge of truth so the authority of the church, tradition and councils and scholars is subservient and cannot contradict scripture.
-Luther- “We must learn to adhere solely to the word of God”
-Church teaching must be in line w the Bible, if its not then its false.
What did St Paul say that coincides with Protestant beliefs about following the Bible?
‘Do not go against what is written’
What does ‘The priesthood of all believers mean?’
A key Lutheran belief and we also see it in Quakerism. All Christians have equal access to God through prayer, there is no hierarchy.
What is Karl Barth’s Neo-Orthodox view on the Bible?
Karl Barth is a swiss protestant theologian. Believes Bible isn’t the word go God but a human work that becomes inspired when it provides those who read it with a personal encounter w Jesus. The books are not infallible bc they’re written by human witnesses.
Barth held that other religions are humanities attempt to reach God, whereas Christianity is God’s attempt to reach humanity
God reveals himself in Jesus, who is the word who becomes flesh for salvation of humanity.
“The Bible is a human instrument and document”
Neo-oethodoxy means ‘new orthodoxy’
The bible is a vehicle through which God may be experienced. Reading it we become aware that we are sinners.
What is the Sea Of Faith network?
The idea that faith is purely human creation and it has no innate meaning, it’s meaning is what you give to it, you have to take responsibility over your faith.
What did 2 Timothee say about scripture?
“All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching”
What did A Skevington Wood say about the word and the Bible?
‘Let us not change the word of God.. we ourselves should be changed by the word’
Examine Catholic beliefs about the nature and authority of the Bible
-Scripture is the word of God
-St Paul “All scripture is inspired by God and profitable FOR TEACHING”
-Bible is an important source of wisdom and authority
What do Evangelical protestants and creationists believe about the Bible?
-Bible is infallible word of God and contains no innacuries or mistakes
-It is the literal word of God and everything should be held as sacrosanct face.
-Science and evolution thus must be wrong
-prot evangelicals- christians are saved thru faith in Jesus’ atonement.
What do liberal christians believe about the Bible?
Bible is sacred scripture and the word of God which is written through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
-Bible contains metaphorical stories to convey moral truths.
-Bible teaches a theological message rather than being a historical account.
-Bible is compatible with science. Science teaches the how, religion teaches the why- supported by Pope Francis who stated the BIG BANG, ‘required the intervention of a divine creator’.
Examine Catholic beliefs on the church
-Church is required for salvation, Pope Pius declared that there’s no salvation outside of the church.
-Bible AND church have equal authority, inextricably linked thru Holy Spirit.
-Church acts as Jesus’ representative in the modern world.
-Church is the guardian and interpretation example of Pope’s encyclicals.
-Catholic’s believe church plays important role in helping those in need (charity, cafod, sheep and goats).
- apostolic succession
-importance of magisterium
-The church receives authority from god to interpret Bible and tradition.
-The church alone can identity what is history and what is a teaching story.
What does it mean to say the pope has papal authority?
Doctrine that the pope cannot be wrong when he teaches in matters of faith/morals.
However any of his doctrines must be consistent with sacred scripture and apostolic tradition.
What is apostolic sucessesion?
Peter as first bishop of Rome. Matthew- “the rock upon which I build my church”, this authority has been passed down.
Apostolic tradition- Jesus commanded his apostles to preach the Gospel to all men.
What is the Magisterium?
The teaching authority of the church made up of bishops. It is the guardian and interpreter of both Bible and tradition.
What are some weaknesses of the Protestant views on wisdom and authority?
-If it is only sola scripture we can rely on, how can we find guidance on modern issues e.g abortion using ancient scripture.
-Bible never acc refs sola scripture
-Bible belongs to a patriarchal, historical past that is no longer relevant in today’s society.- writers of Bible were responding to culturally-relative circumstances.
-Jesus interpreted scripture for his followers, he did not tell them to just go away and understand it’s complex msg themselves.
-Scripture has many contradictions, could have been mistranslated.
Positives of Prostent view on wisdom and authority?
-Scripture alone prevents ppl taking advantage and being profitable off the church.
-God alone is sovereign, no one else can supercede his authority- he sets a clear moral standard to be followed, we shouldn’t try and interpret that with our fallible human minds.
-Scripture should critique society not be changed by it.
Examine Jesus’ authority as God’s authority
-It is stated in the Nicene creed
-Is the official view of almost all churches.
Matthew- “All authority on heaven and earth has been given to me”
cornintheans- “God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself”
-Story of Jesus healing the Cnetorians servant, centurion recognised Jesus’ ultimate authority and one word from him was enough for instant obedience.
-John 10:30 “the father and I are one”
-Jesus and God the father are in the closest possible relationship of unity
‘The word became flesh’ , he is God incarnated, they share the same substance.
Discuss Jesus as the ‘son of god’ and ‘son of man’
-What did Mark’s gospel say on it?
Gave that title by God, he was chosen by God to rule on his behalf, was given the title ‘Messiah’.
Jesus preferred the title of ‘son of man’ to put him as a humble servant. Didn’t want to be thought of as a power figure or revolutionary.
Used that term to describe role of ‘suffering servant’ spoken of in OT.
-Mark- ‘Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sin’
-Son of god- Jesus is said to be ‘my beloved son’ in the visions at his. baptism and transfiguration.
Discuss Jesus’ authority as fully human
-some liberal christians believe Jesus is just a human but his deeply spiritual nature gave his teaching authority. They think the influence of greek philosophy and mystery religions led to the fully human Jesus being transformed into a mystery figure.
-Adoptionism- belief that God ‘adopted’ Jesus at the baptism and he is not divine by nature.
-In Luke 4 it states “He was hungry”
-Very little is known about the original Jesus, people have made their own biases and assumptions bc of western media.
Give quotes from the Sermon on the mount and explain them
“If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also”
“Give to him who begs from you”
“ love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”
“He makes his sun rise on the evil and the good”
Examine Christian beliefs on Jesus as a role model
John 10:30 “The father and I are one”
-God can be glorified and honoured through following Jesus.
-He is the ultimate role model by being God on earth, the perfect human living.
-Humans seek to emulate Jesus’ words and actions to become more god-like to achieve salvation.
-Some Christians may find Jesus’ example of perfection makes him too different from Fallible human beings. Another criticism,- Gospels written years after Jesus’ acc lifetime by writers w diff agenders and contain material inserted by early church.
-Jesus is a role model bc he has a unique authority from God.
- Jesus healed sick and cared for those in need
-He challenged hypocrisy and injustice, helped the helpless and reached out to the marginalised and the poor e.g Lazarus the lecher.
-Was a prime example of agape love
What may protestants say about Jesus’ value as a role model?
-The words and actions of Jesus recorded in the Gospels are part of god’s direct teaching to humankind and therefore an important role model.
What does Reza Asian say about Jesus’ authority?
“They transformed Jesus from a revolutionary zealot to a romanticised demigod”
Explain the teachings on the Sermon on the mount, Matthew 5:38-48
Intended for his disciples to be pacifists, rejecting violent and provocative people and show unconditional love and acceptance to everyone.
Jesus uses exaggeration in his parables to show the desire for revenge and harbouring hatred impacts. The willingness to forgive and show love is essential for ppl to move on.
We should be humble, leave our desire for personal vindication behind and trust in God as he is the only arbiter of justice and judgement.
We shouldn’t stoop to the level of our oppressors as that would be weak.
Jesus’ words strike at the core of human selfishness, we should ultimately value God’s honour above our own. Christianity is about services to a higher good, not to yourself.
-When God’s kingdom comes out deeds rather than wealth willl matter
-Imago Dei and golden rule
Why Does Jesus quote the OT in his ‘sermon on the mount’?
Shows his knowledge and understanding of the Bible. Also he would be familiar w the Torah as he used to be a rabbi.
How is context relevant to the servant on the mount teaching?
Roman soldiers were often oppressors and abused their privilege.
-Perhaps the teachings were practical from Jesus as people had a fear and hatred towards Christians.
-He was saying this speech to a large crowd of Jewish ppl, some curious, some wanted to catch him out.
What was the social gospel movement?
Founded by Protestant intellectuals at end of 19th cent. Bible is authoritative but instead of meandering on insoluble questions act nature and extent of authority we should put what it says into practise.Idea was to use Christian ethical principles to address social issues from crime to racism.
What does the CCC say is necessary to interpret scripture?
-Scripture as a whole must be seen as a unity
-It must be read within living tradition of the church
- The interpreter must be attentive to the ‘analogy of faith’
Examine the significance of John 10:30
Johns Gospel which describes Jesus as God and God as Jesus. “The father and are one”.
-supports incarnation
-Shows God was there at the start of the world and Jesus and god are always inseparable and inextricably connected.
-God became flesh and lived amongst humanity.
Purpose of John’s gospel was to understand that Jesus is messiah.
-shows god’s authority is Jesus’ authority, they have a shared divine essence.
Examine the significance of 1 Corinthians 8:6
Pauls letter to Corinth, a christian society in need of help, were worshipping hedonistic greek gods and having polyamorous relationships.
-Paul argued you need to lead by example as a follower of Christ so the community needed to unite int he presence of God.
-“ When you sin against them in this way, you sin against christ”
-“There is but one lord Jesus Christ, through whom all things come” - confirms christian monotheism, also some ppl believe Jesus is simply a vehicle but not equal to god- god’s agent in creation.
-We were created in God’s image and the leaders and teachers of the church should be servants of God.
What do Christians believe about one God?
- A monotheistic religion
- “The lord is one”- Deuteronomy
-John 10:30 - “The father and I ARE ONE”
-The sinai covenant w God and Israel, in return for only worshipping one god, Israel was to be God’s chosen ppl.
Examine God as an omnipotent creator
- Created ex-nihilo in seven days (metaphorical for liberals, literal for fundamentalists)
-Had the ultimate power to create an entire world for us
-Scriptural evidence in Genesis- “God created the heavens and the earth”
-Some think he can do the logical impossible bc “w god all things are possible” (MATTHEW), Descartes would support this.
-Others believe god is limited to the scope of logical possiblity e.g Peter Vardy- “He is limited by the universe he has chosen to create”
-Reflects oneness of god and him as the ultimate all-powerful creator.
-His word ordered and brought everything into existence.
Examine God as an omnipotent controller
- Creator and thus controller of morality and world- link to 10 commandments, he controls christian ethics (DCT), ethical monotheism
-A belief which naturally follows on from him as creator. - Sustains universe in spiritual and physical sense.
“God set the earth on its foundations”- Genesis
-St Thomas Aquinas who states God is transcendent and timeless, has causative knowledge. - Belief that everything is subject to God’s control
- God preserves universe from falling back into the watery chaos that it once was- a freq motif in psalms, God calming the seas of yam
-Brings up qu if humans are devoid of autonomy because God has absolute control.
-Link to theological determinism, are all our actions fixed?
Examine god as transcendent
- Above and beyond the earth, outside earthly realm rather than imminent bc being in space/ time realm would limit him.
-Boethius, he’s ‘simultaneously present’ - Catholic doctrine of aseity, he is the omnipotent creator, existing of and from himself.
“No one comprehends the thoughts of God except for the spirit of God”- Corinthians.
-Rudolf Otto and numinous experiences, God as ‘wholly other’ - his transcendence highlights the divine’s supreme and ineffable nature.
Examine God as unknowable
-Hick and Irenaus- God keeps us at epistemic distance so we can grow Tinto the likeness of him. If we knew art God our morality and intentions would be entirely corrupted.
- God is too grand for fallible human minds to comprehend.
-He cannot be categorised, known or understood.
-When Moses questions who god is- “I am who I am”.
What is the doctrine of the trinity?
-“ I in them. Thou in me. We are one”
- All 3 members present at Jesus’ baptism
-All three are inextricably linked and separate but distinct unities. Each ‘person’ fully possesses all the attributes of the godhead: eternity, omnipotence etc.. . A relationship of mutual indwelling.
-“ God was in christ reconciling the world to himself” - corinthians
-A theological concept introduced 2nd century.
-Lati ‘trinital’ means 3 in 1.
-Trinitarian doctrine is a way of expressing God’s oneness in light of historical revelation
Why is the trinity important to catholics?
- Trinitarian love is immense so personal relationships, if modelled on that love have great value.
-connects christian beliefs about sin and atonement
-Mutual self-giving and receiving of love reflects human relationships.
-A way to deeply understand God and his nature.
- Proves Jesus is God incarnate and the importance of this.
-A way of experiencing God without him fully revealing himself to humanity.
-Lends greater significance to the passion and resurrection of christ, can link to LAD.
-Reaffirms importance of Holy Spirit, guided apostles to live out Jesus’ word and continue his mission.
-Its literally how we sign off prayers- shows its fundamental nature.
What is the significance of Jesus being the ‘son of god?’ go thru w miss
-Son meaning ‘reflecting the nature of’/ ‘like’
-Kings thought to have been adopted by God at their accession- meant to reflect God’s justice and mercy.- this indicates Jesus unique authority as a son.
-In visions at his baptism and transfiguration is said to be ‘my beloved son’
-“ No one knows the son except the father and no one knows the father except the son”
Examine God as personal
-Holy Spirit as God’s voice in the world today, watching over us- “Your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit who is in you” (Corintheans)
-God described as a personal creator in Abrahamic scriptures- Speaks in first person and shows anger and pride.
-If God is imminent that makes him accessible.
-God hears and answers prayers
-The ‘Godhead’ as transcendent and unknowable.
Examine God as love
- John- “God loved the world that he gave his one and only son” - Love encapsulated by suffering and death of Jesus.
-Sinai covenant w Israel, “If you obey me fully and keep my covenant, out of all nations, you will be my treasured possession”
-The loving and mutual indwelling of the trinity
-Agape love at the core of Christianity, “love thy neighbour”
-Humans have agape love at their god since created imago die
Examine God as father
-Father was often the powerful patriarch of the household in context of time. Oldest male had to have respect and dominance.
-Jesus refers to God as ‘Abba’ (father in abrahamic). Talks to God as Father in Garden of Getsemene before his crucifixion.
-Father of creation and us.
- “Our father who art in heaven hallowed by thy name”
- Parable of the forgiving father in the New Testament. The sinner (son) who spends all his money has nothing left to rely on except for his father’s mercy and his father instantly forgives him.
-Presented as ‘father’ to reflect his omnipotence and control , exercising justice.
Examine God as king
- Context of which the Bible was written in
-“My father’s kingdom has many rooms”
-Phrophet Isiah said to have seen God sitting on a throne.
-Jesus associated with inauguration of kingdom, he will return to fully establish the kingdom of god.
Examine God as NOT omnipotent
-Griffin , “God cannot completely control the creatures”
-Whitehead, “He is a fellow sufferer who understands”
-Has a pantheistic relationship with world, feels entirety of sense experience rather than being transcendent.
- PTH based off quantum mechanics, things are always changing and developing at a quantum level so why not at a worldly level.
Examine God as NOT creator
Griffin- “God is responsible for evil in the sense that he urged creation forward”
- Didn’t create from nothing but rather created from something. Through ‘persuasion’ he ordered watery chaos into order and regularity 4 us.
-Started off evolution but didn’t create ex-nihilo (Griffin believes this is mistranslated Genesis texts).
-God changes and develops alongside the world, uni is an uncreated eternal process which god is inextricable bound to , both controlled my bounds of natural law.
What are the challenges of using anthropomorphic lang to describe god?
-Limits God’s omnipotence
-Using human qualities to describe god limits and reduces him- if the portrayal of God is someone human-esq then he would be fallible and unreliable.
-God is fully beyond human understanding, he resists definition- Aquinas’ Via negative - it’s only possible to say what God is NOT.
-“ God rested” , “God walked”, physically limits him to the human sphere.
-To say God judges, forgives and laments suggests he shares same brain states at us- takes away from his transcendence.
Sigmund Freud- God is simply “Wish fulfillment”, we invent God in our own image.
What are the challenges of using gender specific language when talking about god
-“If God is male then male is God” - Mary Daly- will reinforce patriarchal ideas of hierarchy in society and stereotypes of male superiority.
-CCC: “God is neither male nor female. He is God”
-Michaelangelo’s creation of Adam, Men closer?
-Pronouns in Bible are he/him
-In response, myths and prayers have been revised with gender neutral language.
-Its about the historical culture
-The trinity is all male, not unfitting with modern society, excludes women nd non binary ppl from religion.
What are some positives of Anthropocentric lang about god?
-Brings us closer to him by forming an actual understanding.
-How can we form a close bond with someone who is meant to be ‘unknowable?’
-Anthro lang used by Jesus himself, calls God ‘Father’
-There IS an anthropomorphic essence to God as he ‘became flesh’.
What does Rosemary Radford Ruther say about gender specific lang to describe God?
- Wants to reform Christianity
-We should replace God with Goddess to express freedom from gender.
-Focuses less on maleness of Jesus and more on his role as liberator of the oppressed and marginalised.
-Mary Magdalene as the first witness to resurrection of Christ.
What does Daphne Hampson say about gender specific lang and God?
-Post-Christian theologian
-Believes the overcoming of patriarchal religion is fundamental to emancipation.
-For her , Christianity is a form of fascism.
- “God is the male patriarch carried to extremes”
What did Pope Benedict say about the trinity?
“God is not solitude but perfect communion”
What does perichoresis mean?
A Greek term first used in Christian theology to describe the three persons in the trinity. John’s gosepl has a perichoretic understanding.
What does Karl Barth say about the trinity?
That it “fundamentally distinguishes” Christianity from every other religion.
What quote from psalm 104 shows God as omnipotent controller?
“God set the earth on its foundations, so that it should never be shaken”