Sources of wisdom and authority Flashcards
Conservatism view on Bible
‘All scripture is inspired by God.’ 2 Timothy
Adultery contradiction
Mark - ALL wrong
Matthew - allowed in marital unfaithfulness
Catholic - Tradition and Scripture
‘I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I have delivered them to you.’ St Paul to Corinths
Luther against priesthood of sacraments instead…
‘priesthood of all belivers’.
Luther - the Word
‘Let us not change the Word of God; we ourselves must be changed through the Word.’
Jesus - God’s authority
‘In the beginning was the Word.’
Jesus - Matthew 28
‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.’
Jesus - Vision at Baptism and Transfiguration
‘This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.’ Mark
The Messianic Secret - after healing leper
‘See that you don’t tell this to anyone.’
Jesus’ authority revealed
Centurion at resurrection ‘Truly this man was the Son of God.’
Sect believes God adopts Jesus and gives him authority
Jesus created by God for specific role - Title given by God as an honour
Created matter corrupt - God can’t become incarnate
The Cathars
Jesus great prophet not God - God deistic
SoM - evil
‘Do not resist an evil person.’
SoM - sword
‘let him who has no sword sell his mantle and buy one.’
SoM - love enemies
‘love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.’
SoM - generosity
‘Let him have your cloak as well.’
SoM - perfect
‘Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father.’
SoM - cheek
‘if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.’
Ghandi - Jesus as a role model
‘To me, Jesus was one of the greatest teachers humanity has ever had.’
John Drane - SoM Classic Liberalism
‘Jesus teaching was intended as a way of life only for those people who subjected their lives to God’s rule.’