Sources Of Stress: Daily Hassles And HSUP Content Flashcards
What are daily hassles?
A minor event that can arise regularly over the course of an ordinary day.
What are daily uplifts and what are their role in stress?
Positive, desirable experiences in everyday life that can offset to some degree the negative effects of daily hassles
What are the two explanations as to how hassles turn to stress?
- Accumulation effect
- Amplification effect
What is the accumulation effect of daily hassles?
Daily hassles can become extremely persistent and as they are minor daily stressors they can create minor stress reactions like persistent overloads or irritations that build up to more severe stress reactions such as anxiety and depression. (Lazarus, 1999)
What is the amplification effect of daily hassles?
. Pre-existing chronic stressors can make us more vulnerable to daily hassles as the presence of minor stressors when in a state of pre-existing stress can amplify the experience of stress. E.g (having an upcoming exam may cause you to be less tolerant to daily hassles)
. Presence of a major life change can deplete an individual’s resources to the point that they are less able to cope with the minor stressors they normally could cope with
What was the aim of De Longis et al (1982)?
Investigate whether daily hassles rather than life events are the most stressful
What psychological measure of stress did De Longis create and what does it consist of?
Hassles and Uplifts Scale - HSUP
- 117 hassles
- 132 uplifts
What was the procedure of De Longis et al (1982)?
. 100 participants (48 men and 52 women) between 45-67 years
. HSUP completed for events over previous month every month for 9 months
. Also a life events scale completed for 6 months before study and every two years after. Completed again at end of study
. Hopkins symptoms checklists used to assess symptoms of depression and anxiety every month
. Bradburn morale scale to assess positive and negative emotions every month
What can be said about the 100 participants in the De Longis et al study?
They were mostly well-educated and had a high income, limiting the variety of socioeconomic status
What were the findings of De Longis et al (1982)?
. 5 most common hassles identified
. 5 most common uplifts identified
. Significant negative correlation between frequency of hassles and psychology well-being e.g few hassles = best well-being
How did Kanner et al (1981) draw results from De Longis’s development of the HSUP?
Found that hassles were a better predictor of well-being than life events. Hassles were also a better predictor of well-being than uplifts
Conclusion: daily hassles play a crucial role in accumulative stress and illness
What was the aim of Bouteyre et al (2007)?
To investigate the relationship between daily hassles and the mental health of students during the initial transitioning period from school to uni
What was the procedure for Bouteyre et al (2007)?
. First-year psychology students at French uni completed hassles part of HSUP and the Beck Depression Inventory.
What was the procedure for Bouteyre et al (2007)?
. First-year psychology students at French uni completed hassles part of HSUP and the Beck Depression Inventory.
What were the results and conclusions of Bouteyre at al (2007)?
. 41% of students suffered depressive symptoms in the transition
. Positive correlation between scores on hassles scale and incidence of depressive symptoms
Conclusion: the transition to uni is frequently fraught with daily hassles, and these hassles can be considered a significant risk factor in depression