Sources 3 Funeral Stele of a soldier 4 Vespasian 5 Serverus Flashcards
Source 3 - Titus Pompeius a Rhaetian
Tiberius connection II
Imperial province in present day Switzerland
People of Etruscan (Livy) or Celtic descent (either possible)
A warlike tribe subjugated in 15 BCE by Tiberius
Served 19 (not 25) years so presumably died in service but appears to be a legionary not an Auxilia (recruited into the army) though has only two names not three (Roman citizen) his citizenship may therefore come from the 212 edict of Caracalla that made everyone in the empire a citizen
Son of Titus of the Voltanian voting tribe ergo still proud of his family’s origins
Source 4 Tacitus Histories
Vespasian connection
Phang Sara - soldiers did live with local women/wives and children
Vitellius governor of lower Germany (Appointed by Galba 68BCE) won over the disaffected troops by an ‘ostentatious display of generosity’ - bonuses and proclaimed emperor by them 69CE
Described as a glutton, incompetent and indolent by his adversaries and in 20/12/69 CE captured by Vespasian in Rome, dragged through the streets and torured and executed
he had annoyed solders serving him who felt that they had been betrayed at Bedrialcum and defeated by Vespasian
His alleged assertion that his German troops would be sent to comfortable service in Syria and Syrians sent to Germaia infuriated the Syrian based troops who would have backed Vespasian and the local commander Mucianus
Source 5 Herodotus - Septimus Severus 193-211
Septimus Serverus connection
Paying off the soldiers and people with money
Born in North Africa died in York
Acting as their link to the gods
Let the army do what they wanted re lifestyle
leaving his sons the advice ‘not to disagree, give money to the soldiers, and ignore the rest’ - Caracalla murdered by a Praetorian was obsessed with Alexander the Great, murdered his brother Geta