Source Apportionment and Air Pollution Chemistry Flashcards
What are the main 3 atmopsheric constituents?
Nitrogen (0.78)
Oxygen (0.21)
Argon (0.9 x 10¯²)
What are the 4 atmospheric oxidants which can process organic and inorganic pollutants
- Hydroxyl radical (OH)
- Nitrate radical (NO₃)
- Ozone
- Chlorine
Substances like Led will not react with any of the atmospheric oxidants
How will this affect its lifetime?
The lifetime of a species will depend on its reactivity with atmospheric oxidants
Hence led will remain in the atmosphere for longer
Are are two key features of the hydroxyl radical in the atmosphere?
- Initiates the removal of most volatile organic compounds (VOC)
- Highly reactive and very short lifetime
What is the main way formation of the hydroxyl driven by
Ozone and sunlight (hence is the main atmospheric daytime cleaner)
Hence the profile for ozone and hydroxyl radicals will look very similar
What is the second biggest way (30%) formation of hydroxyl radical is driven
Alkenes + ozone → OH + products
What is the smallest contributor to the source of OH radicals in the atmosphere
Sunlight will degrade HONO to form OH
(many unknown sources of HONO)
The majority of OH radicals come from the breakdown of ozone forming O¹D
What do OH and O¹D measurments look like when plotted over 24hr period
- In the summer the OH and O¹D follow another (apart from during the evening due to alkene-ozone reaction)
- In the winter, they do not mirror another very well due to non-photo driven dominating, which do not involve ozone
(However both compounds oxidise quickly so are hard to measure)
When considering OH sources, what issues arise?
- The ozone reactions is most of the time the biggest contributor but HONO photolysis is demonstrated to be a large contributor in some places
- Contributions will depend on your location (and time e.g. winter vs summer)
In the hydrocarbon oxidation cycle:
Once OH radical is formed from ozone, what two things can occur?
It can either react with methane to for a methyl radical or react with nitrogen dioxide to form nitric acid (termination)
Once a methyl radical is form, what can then occur?
- React with O₂ to form ¯O-CH₂-OH
- Which could then react with hydrogen dioxide to form OH-CH₂-OH (termination)
The ¯O-CH₂-OH ion formed from methyl ion, could then go on to react how?
react with NO to form CH₃-O¯ and NO₂
(NO₂ can the react to form more ozone)
The CH₃-O¯ ion can then go on to react …
with oxygen to form methanal (H₂CO) and hydrogen dioxide (and the further react to form hydrogen peroxide)
In the last step of the hydrocarbon oxidation cycle, what does the hydrogen dioxide react with to form hydroxyl radical again
Reacts with NO to form NO₂ and OH
True or false:
The hydrocarbon oxidation cycle can occur during both daytime and night-time
(except for sunlight driven reactions)
How many molecules of ozone can be formed each time OH react with methane in the presence of NO
2 molecules of ozone
BUT OH is also recycles
Each VOC has a different structure, hence …
A different reactivity with OH
A VOC with the potential to form photochemical ozone is called
POCP can provide useful information for a particular VOC pontential to form O₃
Which types POCP will form more ozone?
Alkenes due to high electron density of carbon double bond
In the absence of sunlight, which compound is the dominat oxiding agent in the atmosphere
The nitrate radical
(because OH is sunlight dependent)
How is the nitrate radical formed (NO₃)
Nitrogen dioxide will react with ozone to form nitrate and oxygen
However, nitrate will then be photolysed by light (red)
What are the conetrations of nitrate like relative to hydroxyl
Nitrate concentrations are 3 orders of magnitude larger than OH
But nitrate is not as reactive
(hence the only reason nitrate chemistry would occur during the daytime is if NO₂ pollution levels are really high
When considering the lifetime for OH, nitrate and ozone, what factor must be taken into consideration
For each oxidiser the lifetime of each atmospheric cleaner will be different