Soul - Deciding Theodicies : Augustine Flashcards
What is Augustine SDT based on ?
Perfection , original sin and fall
What is perfection ?
God created a perfect world without free-will
What is original sin ?
Adam and Eve disobeyed God
What is the fall about ?
Evil is a probation of food due to the fall
What is seminally present ?
Seminally present in the loin of Adam and Eve Descendant of Adam and Eve we share original sin
What has original sin caused ?
- causing natural evil - loss of harmony
- people fall short of original perfection
What is Augustine soul deciding theodicy ?
- Humans have to decide (free-will) to obey God or not
- Evil comes as a privation of Good and decision (free-will) to disobey God
Where does true freedom come from ?
Complete free-will this is the free will defence
What’s is the importance of free - will ?
- makes moral goodness possible
- gives human dignities raising them a higher level than animals and objects
What does Augustine believe ?
Believes God is omnipotent , omniscient and omnifient so God cannot evil
Due to God not being able to create evil what is there instead ?
Privation of good (absence of Good )
What does privation of good allow ?
Evil to prevail
Why did God create variety ?
- Part of goodness and perfection
- evil, fall of angels , perfect but varied, some angels received less grace/guidance from God
What is Augustine logical problem of evil argument 1?
All evil and suffering comes from human action which is a punishment of sin
What is Augustine logical problem of evil answer 2 ?
God cannot prevent evil without taking away free will