Sort & Search Algorithms Flashcards
Selection sort
Repeatedly select the smallest (or largest) element from the unsorted portion of the list and move it to the sorted portion of the list by swapping elements
O(n^2) time complexity; O(1) space complexity
func SelectionSort(array []int) []int {
var min_idx int
for i := 0; i < len(array) - 1; i++ {
min_idx = i
for j := i + 1; j < len(array); j ++ {
if array[j] < array[min_idx] {
min_idx = j
array[i], array[min_idx] = array[min_idx], array[i]
return array
Bubble sort
The simplest sort. Repeatedly swap adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order
O(n^2) time complexity; O(1) space complexity
func BubbleSort(array []int) []int {
var swapped bool
for i := 0; i < len(array); i++ {
swapped = false
for j := 0; j < len(array) - 1 - i; j++{
if array[j] > array[j + 1] {
array[j], array[j + 1] = array[j + 1], array[j]
swapped = true
if swapped == false {
return array
Insertion sort
Array is virtually split into a sorted and an unsorted part. Values from unsorted part are picked and placed at the correct position in the sorted part. Similar to sorting playing cards.
O(N^2) time complexity; O(1) space complexity
func InsertionSort(array []int) []int {
for i := range array {
for j := i; j > 0 && array[j] < array[j-1]; j– {
array[j], array[j-1] = array[j-1], array[j]
return array
Interview strategies
- Ask questions up front
- Attempt the brute force solution first
- Talk through and write out what you’re going to do
- Code the solution
- Be sure to manually walk through it afterwards to review
- Try walking through what it is actually doing with mock inputs
- Note the time and space complexity
- Talk through and attempt to improve time and space complexity
- Consider ways to refactor your code (eg pulling out logic into separate functions)
Binary search
Used in a sorted array by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half
func BinarySearch(array []int, target int) int {
left := 0
right := len(array) - 1
for left <= right {
middle := (right + left) / 2
value := array[middle]
if value == target {
return middle
} else if target > value {
left = middle + 1
} else {
right = middle - 1
return -1
Merge Sort
func MergeSort(array []int) []int {
if len(array) < 2 {
return array
partition := len(array) / 2
left := MergeSort(array[:partition])
right := MergeSort(array[partition:])
return merge(left, right)
func merge(left, right []int) []int {
i := 0
j := 0
array := []int{}
for i < len(left) && j < len(right) {
if left[i] < right[j] {
array = append(array, left[i])
} else {
array = append(array, right[j])
for i < len(left) {
array = append(array, left[i])
for j < len(right) {
array = append(array, right[j])
return array
What is the time complexity of the best sorting algorithm?
n log(n)