SOP QA Flashcards
Who is responsible for issuing a stop message at a hazardous materials incident?
A minor Hazmat is defined as? (4)
A small spill/leak of fuel/LPG/CNG from a vehicle or small portable container
Odour of gas or a minor leak in a residential premises
A small spill of a known domestic chemical in a residence or shed
A small spill of a known material confirmed to be non-hazardous that does not present an environmental problem
What are the 7 areas of incident management for Hazardous Materials Incidents?
S - Safe Approach I - Incident Control S - Scene Security - Establish Control Zones I - Identify Hazardous Materials M - Manage Information R - Render Safe D - Decontamination
What are the initial actions to be followed at a Hazmat incident? (9)
P - Public Safety (shelter in place or evacuate).
L - Life Preservation (emergency rescue and first aid).
E - Emergency Decontamination.
F - Fire Suppression.
P - Prevent Ignition.
P - Prevent Spread of Hazardous Materials.
P - Prevent Violent, Explosive or Other Hazardous Reactions.
P - Prevent Damage to the Environment.
P - Preserve Crime Scene Evidence.
There are 7 steps to hazmat incident management one of these is scene security. What are the 13 steps to scene security?
I - Identify contamination area and establish initial isolation zone - use detection equipment
G - Guide for initial isolation zone is 30m or 30micro seivets or use DGIERG
E - Evacuate all non-essential personnel and clear areas down wind
A - All persons evacuated from initial contaminated area considered contaminated and need decon.
U - Upgrade level of response if necessary.
E - Establish entry control in cold zone near entry to warm zone.
E - Establish / mark perimeter of Warm Zone (any change from normal atmospheric conditions) and establish decon corridor within that zone.
E - Establish / mark perimeter of Hot Zone (at TWA, any change in PID/VOC for unknown, change in oxygen reading or 5% LEL)
E - Establish / control perimeter of Cold Zone
E - Entry and accountability controlled into warm / hot zones and appropriate PPE worn relevant to risks to zones
R - Review control zones on a regular basis.
P – Priority given to limiting spread of contamination.
A - Assess potential harm and minimise environmental contamination.
There are 7 steps to hazmat incident management one of these is safe approach. What are the 4 steps to safe approach?
AEAI (1333)
A - Assume the worst-case scenario (4we)
E - En-route, plans, Street Directory, DGIERG
A - Approach incident from upwind, uphill, maintain safe distance until ID
I - Initiate atmospheric monitoring (O2 - 20.9%, toxic substance readings of 0ppm and flammable substance readings of 0% LEL).
There are 7 steps to hazmat incident management one of these is Incident control. What are the 4 steps to incident control?
NMPL (1333)
N - Notify ComCen of: - local winds - route for oncoming - staging M - Minor incident issue a ‘stop’ - small spill: fuel, LPG or CNG from vehicle or small container - small spill: domestic chemical - small spill: domestic odour - known material confirmed non-hazardous that’s not environmental problem) P - Public safety measures - public information - warnings to the community - shelter in place and/or evacuate L - Life Preservation - Emergency rescue - first aid - Emergency decon established
There are 7 steps to hazmat incident management one of these is Identify hazardous materials. What are the 10 steps to Identify hazardous materials?
I - Identify materials from outside of contaminated area (Manifests, Safety Data Sheets (SDS) management / workers from the site.)
P - PPE minimum Level “B” within Hot Zone until determined
U - Use appropriate detection/monitoring equipment.
T - Treat unidentified materials hazardous (4WE)
I - Identify the materials involved
- product name
- chemical name
- UN no
- form
- estimate quantity
- documentation
- other information.
Q - Quantity involved.
Q - Quantity involved.
H - Hazmat Action Guide board.
C - CHEMDATA information from Comcen and complete SP50 ‘Hazmat Action Guide’.
R - Request assistance of specialist advisors
P - positive identification, perform informed actions for specific hazards while considering:
D - Do not wash away any material until a specialist advisor has approved this action.
As part of the incident management process involved within a hazmat incident. What are the steps to take for Render safe? (2)
C - Control measures to normalize situation:
- absorption
- neutralization
- dilution
M - Monitor remaining levels of hazardous materials - test for hazardous build-ups, etc.
What are the ways in which a hazardous material can be mitigated? (3)
C - Confinement - Vapour suppression - Isolation - Bunding - Absorption D - Diversion - Redirect to: - containment dam. - assist decontamination/recovery. - less harmed by material. D - Dispersion - Water streams. - Air Ventilation (Natural, Mechanical)
What 5 factors need to be considered when siting/establishing a decontamination zone?
W - Water supply W - In the Warm zone W - Weather (rain filling containment dams, wind for overspray) P - Privacy from onlookers T - Topography (runoff into drains)
List and describe the immediate response for a radioactive substance? (4)
S – Stage safe distance from incident.
T - Time, distance, shielding provide best protection.
D - dosimeters - at least one per crew of 2
I - Initial Isolation Zone setup:
- 30m or 30Sv/h
- neutron source 7m ‘no-go’ zone.
What consideration need to be taken into account if a radioactive substance is involved in fire?
- All personnel in the vicinity need to wear BA
- Consider smoke, water runoff, ash may contain radioactive particles
List and describe the 7 steps to an emergency rescue?
BSC HELP (323 3133)
B - Balance risk between removing casualties against exposure to MFS personnel
Casualties must be survivable.
Multiple casualties may indicate presence of highly toxic substances or terrorist incident.
Emergency Rescue PPE may not provide sufficient protection.
S - Sit-rep including:
Emergency Rescue of contaminated casualty in progress.
Confirm SAAS attendance.
C - Committed personnel
- Lv2 ppe, BA, PVC gloves, multi sensor gas detector
- Minimise exposure
- Mitigate leaks by righting container if possible
H - High pressure hose line at perimeter of isolation zone for emergency decon.
- Allow self decon of ERT
- ERT to decon casuality
- Remove outer clothing
E - ERT administer initial first aid to casualties to avoid possible cross contamination
L - Limited protection by PPE for Personnel committed
treated as potential casualties.
be monitored.
not re-deployed until medically cleared.
P - Priority given to conscious casualties rather than unconscious. Deceased left in place.
What documentation needs to be completed when personnel have been exposed to a chemical?
SP 140
Hazmat Exposure Record